This release concentrated on fixing all the reported bugs and glitches that were collected by the community over the last years but also many new features have been added.
Some of the outstanding new features might be the Quake Live physics including the cylindric hitbox, a new anti-cheat system to catch most of the annoying aim bots and auto-shoot hacks, including a brand new anti-wallhack system, the advanced callvote configuration giving server admins absolute control over their servers and the frame-rate independent physics to make the game generally more fair, especially to those with less powerful hardware/computer.
These are hard times for e+ with more and more cases of cheating in our fellowship.
I am pleased to announce 2 new Rank moderators: Blitz & Camel
They already been known as good ppl with unbiased senses, wanting to help the e+ community in the fight against the hackers/cheaters rebellion.
: i add to folder hamachi solution , all directory content 7.2GB must have medium DVD Dual Layer 8.5GB Printable picture RGB color and box with paper. Edition non-steam JIVA's Quake3 https://drive.g...
: As far as I'm concerned, Quake generally needs a bigger skill set than other shooters. Newbies have little chance. That's why servers live where so many skills are not needed.
: Understanding why people like something and not something is today the art of marketing, statistics, trial and error, motivation and diligence + a few opportunities.
: I tried to make retro server maybe two or three years back. but how you said. nobody is intrested. It's boring to play only with bots.
: Lol I stopped my vanilla e+ server exactly because nobody ever came to play there
: The reason why I don't play is that the game itself changed in the last 15 years . My game style how I played doesn't work well with today's server configs. And nobody from todays players care to play old configs Would be nice to have one retro serve
: What do you think is the best mouse for playing Quake 3? are jealous, you chose negativity your disappointment does not concern me your envy will not bring you anything
: noob= chiter
: I loved playing with that mouse.
To answer your question I am too long removed from serious gaming to know which mouse is the best for playing Q3. From my experience the best ine is the one that suits YOU the best;). I found the ergonomics of mx518 great
: Maybe I'll try to get back to it from time to time allthough my favourite mouse from back in the day - logitech mx518 is dead:/.