BECK's Lemon vs REDD's Flawour
2. February 2009 - 18:18
just a question:
why u like one of those or both and why ?
2. February 2009 - 18:37
BECK's Lemon vs REDD's Flawour
I don't like lemons or lemon flavor beers so for me is NONE of them!
And the answer at the why-question is: it taste bad! :twisted:
Oh No ... the forum is back, the forum is back .. back .. back!!! back!...................YAMMY!
(random text)
2. February 2009 - 18:38
BECK's Lemon vs REDD's Flawour
no flavour = good flavour
2. February 2009 - 18:50
BECK's Lemon vs REDD's Flawour
omg u call that beer?
2. February 2009 - 19:11
BECK's Lemon vs REDD's Flawour
thats an example of what real beer could look like
2. February 2009 - 19:12
BECK's Lemon vs REDD's Flawour
shox wrote:
thats an example of what real beer could look like
yeah :oops:
2. February 2009 - 20:16
BECK's Lemon vs REDD's Flawour
its like orangeade (lemonade? appleade?) for kids and girls...
2. February 2009 - 21:47
BECK's Lemon vs REDD's Flawour
I NEVER SAW NORMAL GUY with beer like this , or he/she was always gay or girl . BIG BOIS drink normal beers like heineken or carlsberg