Grenade Or Rocket Jumps ?
erm mow i set both direct damage and splash damage to 80 and the bfg slides seem to work fine still for me. ill check if im doing something wrong when im loading the config but the config also had other changes like no mjs and switch time changes and they seemed to work like theyre supposed to so im guessing i did load the right cfg. neways ill take this private now i guess. no sense going even more offtopic than i already have.
imo i like E+ but i wish the strafe jumping was a little more complicated and such so it would take practice and skill to do it.
weapon jumps are fine
health should go down insted of replenish like on the weapon jumps so health and armor are needed
btw GJ FTW
wonko, than u simply just use bfg to jump, but not to land somewhere where u directly want to land.
with changing splashdamage u change movementphysic of bfg, so "it can not be the same movment".
i am an old ctf-player, maybe i am more exact because of that.
mow. thats quite possible. since i dont play e+ ctf a lot it just mite be that im missing something. but i do use a lot of bfg slides in normal gameplay and most seem to be working. neways ill give u the cfg and u can see. also ill test it out on a server as soon as i can.
altho i do have to say that its rather weird that health would have anything to do with slides cos logically only the knockback value should affect the physics of the slide. so a little puzzled.
not the health,
but the splash, and u have a spash just at "splashdamage".
If u have a carefull look to the original e+ config (default, on which e1-e5 are based), than u c, that the original bfg has a knockback of "0".
The plus.cfg just has knockback 170, to have similiar bfg feeling like in e5, but with less damage/splashdamage. But u still feel a difference.
It is not possible (at least not with 1.03) to NOT CHANGE weaponphysic if u change splashdamage.
Shame on you for calling CPMA baseq3-like... just for that you ain't getting any sex from me tonight
Oh, wait, I'm still at Spektra's house.
sure old vamp, i know that, but...
but u cant calculate the knockback of the splashdamage as easy as pure knockback.
rofl. confusion again. neways mow what i was asking was y couldnt we bring back damages from a scale of 300 to a scale of 100 so that armour and mh would have a more appreciable impact. and i was thinking u guys were saying that doing this would affect bfg slides adversely. which im guessing wont happen unless u f#$% with the knockback.
if u f*** with splashdamage you f*** automaticly with knockback.
make a test with plus.cfg.
set knockback from 170 to 0 and splashdamage to 200
than knockback 0 and splashdamage 0 and u c it.