PickUp Excessive5 CTF - Monday 14 / April / 21.30 CET
The Monday 14 of April, we (some friends) gonna made a pickup game, it means, there will be 2 players (blue&red), and they will pick people from Spectators to join BLUE/RED team.
Date: 14/04 @ 21.30 Central Europe Time (CET).
Config: Excessive5
All of you are invited.
I'll update this post as soon as possible, to post the maps we gonna play.
It will be at least 4 maps.
Best Regards.
yeah...will be good but what about regular pickup serve for games??need irc chanel server we can give for it
yeah...will be good but what about regular pickup serve for games??need irc chanel server we can give for it
there was a pickup irc channel website and server and it died due to lack of people playing.
it was pickup for plus tdm tag?:or for all gametypes and confs?
it was pickup for plus tdm tag?:or for all gametypes and confs?
all gametypes and all confs, use search dood
mb lets try again..but if it no need for many ppl we can polay 1 game on week....
give me a server and i will be there it souds very interesting
22 00 it is not good for russian players..coz in russia 00 00 mb small early?20 00 ?21 00 ??
I finish work at 2.15pm UK time so i will be there
im in
This thread was created because there not much people playing e5/CTF (custom maps)...
A pickup channel, will die again, so i think, best way to have some fun all together as we are not much people... its doing it by dates...
Best Regards!