I will be doing websites for 8$. Contact me at msn: for more info.
You will get a domain, a website layout that you want, a theme you want, or if you want a custom one, I can make that too, a logo, a banner and the content on website that you can easily change yourself. You will get full administration and power over your website.
It will be paid by call. I will explain it all to you on msn.
Here is an example of a website:
This is my website that I made in 1 day. It's pretty well and running. I make it with joomla and you have enough space on the server to upload ALOT. Add my msn or pm me for a website. I will give you the details.
table layout is out. xhtml 1.0 transitional too Try CSS layout and xhtml 1.0 strict
and logo is Oo
i make it for 1,99 Euros the month and the style u see under and
and big service
asphyx :twisted:
omg. table layout, xhtml 1.0 transitional, css written in page
btw fallen clanweb:
fallen page needs more candy
pfftt. I will do it for free
Step 1.
Step 2. Type "free website templates"
Step 3. Download and fill in the crap
If not, torrent it
fallen page needs more candy
its still under construction. Tomorrow it will be a bit better. I just wanted to show "how to do it right" - i mean xhtml code (css layout instead of table etc)
if one of u do it free im in otherwise not . im so sexy i bet u cant refuse me or my offer . so PM whose interested
Yeah, I know it's all simple, tho it took me only 1 day for it I can make it WAAAAAY better than that. I can aswell if someone wants use buttons instead of just text on the side. Buttons aren't so hard to make.