dsharpe final evidence.
First of all, I'm going to post my 100% evidence and then I actually will answer to all wrong statements been around. Eventhough I am practically not allowed to provide that much Info I will simply give it (in fact, camel mentioned more then he should also in his vid - If you have enough brain you can draw the conclusion yourself)
Truth is, we have been testing various anticheats around in quake3 mods (for example antibot) and the E+ beta supporting them runs actually on servers of Aim Root, such as rail4ever or Aim Freeze.
Anyways, 1 day before I accused dsharp I seen him play a bit tdm and 2-3 stuff looked odd so i decided to trick him playing with me on aim freeze next day to run the anti cheater test on him.
If anybody wonders what has been odd is that if dsharp does a bit of flickshooting, his rail always hits on the edge of enemy hitbox when his crosshair is moving over it, then it moves even further over the enemy and moves back afterwards.
The odd thing is, that normal people flickshoot, trigger when they think they are ON the enemy (not on the edge) and move back instantly, ergo the rythm is move mouse towards enemy, stop mouse, shoot, move mouse back to normal.
Dsharp's rythm was move mouse towards enemy, shoot while it still moves, stop after having crossed the enemy moving back to normal.
Anyways, as I was on Aim freeze with him, I instantly got these reports:
Cheater B report equals Autoshoot
Id 13 was dsharp -> http://img181.imageshack.us/i/shot0341lq.jpg/
From my experience, the kind of antibot we used has no flaws considering Autoshoots, Mirc and me checked beer freezer 2 maps long for example, 13 players, over 40 minutes gaming, not a single report.
Dsharp had over 4 reports within short period of time (recognise both reports above are still first round), the 2 other reports are in demo besides other facts.
I also checked some jordan fakenickers which didn't have a single report either, neither had marcus/laktos/mirc/fala, nor anyone else big I scanned. ( for example, i didn't scan blade. )
Another guy who got caught by this scan is notrogen (people thought it anyways) and also dok sberla. There is Zero doubt from the technically side all 3 cheat with autoshoot.
I actually wanted to wait for release of the beta which would cause a drop for cheating for dsharp on all servers with enabled support. But somehow the situation went out of my hands. This blog entry is just for getting the bullshit cleared up some people caused.
If anybody still believes dsharp is clean, let him show evidence of his UT progaming past where he also used custom hacks prolly if he ever played there.
Now to all false statements.
skull when you had 1v1 on dm17 last year sometime why didnt you say anything then? And dsharpe beat you that day and you said nothing, but now this?
it was after midnight and i was pretty tired, beside the fact my dm17 skills are rusty since new spawn system where i stopped playing dm17 mostly because of retard spawn system causing spawns behind you.
also considering the fact he got very low sens made the beating on dm17 possible, besides that, after the dm17 duel I raped him on dm2 with 66 - 37. Demo Avaible on Request ( ps: date was imo 18.4.2010)
Therefor I didn't expect anything besides that and monkey said he was pro from ut99 which I didn't check either.
He was very lucky that I actually never tested him with the tools I had. Remember, If you can beat someone quite normal you will not find anything suspicious, thats what being human is about. It applys to all people who actually told me this or that guy cheats, especially to dsharp who just accused whole mr of hacking.
Same story was in past with TNT diablo.

And i beat skull after playing 8 months dm17 2 maps with demo's which he recorded and viewed in slow motion many times.
I can't remember watching them slow motion, maybe I did, but I'm 100% sure I didn't watch it more then ONE time. besides that I probably just watched out for wallhack since I don't care about toggled Autoshoots for quite some time now.

#1DM17 a wh is useless #2 autoshoot with a BFG ?
Wh is effective on dm17, watch d1s/snygg/wit etc.
Autoshoot with bfg is also quite possible, just watch ncql youtube vid mentioned in catching cheaters, combined with the green box its 100 percent effective.

Always an excuse, skull you should join [MR]. and be called Paranoid. BFG station takes skill and you always refused to play me there.
Bfg station takes ping to win. I do have the skill necessary as seen on some vids where I did airrockets which are quite harder ingame then playing one weapon map only.

I am still the best there is now at this present moment in time in e+.
considering the fact I have been top around in e5r and you never really beat me on a closed map even with your cheats... err, no comment. Just a wannabe.

He involved my dead brother in this, so skullfuck him. Ban me for language so what.
And now I dropped my nuke on you blowing your cover away showing you peeing on your brothers grave. You just don't have honor since noone taught you, you haven't been educated to have the honor of someone else.

I'm done with this bullshit skull you coder.
I'm not the coder, I am the guy with the ideas, thats been how I done all stuff in E+, starting from gaming, learning, training and busting cheaters. I mostly have the idea I need for doing what I want.

-UT99 anti cheat coders had v good skill o.O... q3 anti cheat coder has inhuman skill? simularity dejavu ?
you might say we had the better idea's. Best q3 mod coder is some guy who isn't working for this mod.

@skull, hope u know thats not enough to ban anyone
depends on the point of view, if you have access to the raw demo then its more then enough.
Otherwise bans are handed out by server admins and I can NOT make them any permanent anywhere.
In addition to the fact that I got accused of cheating along with some of my relatives too by Camel & Skullhead without enough proof, and they never posted anything apologizing or stating that it was a mistake accusing us, and some people still have doubts towards us thanks to the so-called "cheating inspectors."
A cheater busters is always as good as the tools he has on hand. And don't blame Camel, Camel NEVER states his own oppinion, he mostly is translating my arguments to a form the community can understand them, such as shadow. I am thanking him for that, since If i work on something, I do as much as i think is necessary from my position of view, he completes most stuff if he thinks my argument might be misunderstood.

just look at this first shoot... he definently heard that enemy (i would hear him)
how about you give us your sound settings then? from my expirience its not possible to hear an enemy dropping down in rl room on overkill while you are so far in the back of pg room.

I do not have contacts to get private/undetetcted custom hacks.

I have my friends here who know me and I'm happy with them.

Get on any game and I'm considered high skill ( I guess i have custom hacks for all ? )
even with autoshoot I would totally consider you average in E+, besides your hitting you have nearly zero tactical skill nor you are as fast as an normal player in E+, you mostly react slower.
![mow Q [EN] mow Q [EN]](/files/screenname/8646b528fbbe1090dc61e0f29405d1b3.webp)
I just want to say, that i am wondering, that skull is accusing people of cheating when he lost a 1v1 vs this person.
1st case, September 2009, vs narcyz
2nd case, November 2010, vs dsharpe
I am pretty much sure he has privatly accused marcus when he lost vs him, but marcus has too much reputation to be accused with randam demos/vids.
get your facts straight, as mentioned above, the game vs dsharpe was way in the past.
The game vs narcyz I played while having not slept that night (don't forgett that, honestly, my lesssleep in nick was based on waking up 5 or 6 o clock in the afternoon the day before, was so late i decided not sleep and didn't even expect to get to the finals in the cup - so much about skill differences.) and I'm still convinced that the shoot narc done wasn't clean
About Marcus, I never felt like him cheating, I can list tons of reason why not starting with faith being his brother.
![mow Q [EN] mow Q [EN]](/files/screenname/8646b528fbbe1090dc61e0f29405d1b3.webp)
Again, i am just wondering, post is not based on any facts.
ah, rite
![mow Q [EN] mow Q [EN]](/files/screenname/8646b528fbbe1090dc61e0f29405d1b3.webp)
If dsharpe is really cheating, i will be one of the first who spit vitually in his face, but based on what i did read in different threads, there is no solid proof nor a reasonable explanation, and i wonder how a person can accuse smo in public, but keep his accumulated evidence material in private.
hf spitting on him, but please, instead of keeping evidence use the term has to keep evidence private, ty.
![mow Q [EN] mow Q [EN]](/files/screenname/8646b528fbbe1090dc61e0f29405d1b3.webp)
Btw, skull is cheating, he killed 4 people in a row with flick-shots in a war. Proof is somewhere in this forum, he made also a video about it
hmm, I guess you mean this both:
somewhere on dm7.
"hard to play vs camper on shit map with loud mp3"
Hail to all metal fans stand up and beat the n00bs down, metal is war!
anyways, If you guys want the counter example of the flickshooting dsharp does, here you go.
any good player would have hit in that situation or at least shot, but dsharpes crosshair didn't touch the enemy -> no shooting, you might compare with merky.
so thats it from my side, guess the nuke blown up your whole name.
ps: thumbs up to anyone who trusted me.
pps: sry d3v.
- Skullheadq3's blog
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this made me: '|o.O|'
Me is convinced.
still don't like the public talking before
posting all important stuff.
this made me: '|o.O|'
Yeah, seriously.
How does that new anti-cheat work like, anyway? Does it scan the client's q3 install, or look for odd shit in cfg like pb does?
i think if pb was so good we wouldnt need another anticheat program do we?
so the response to your question would be madbringer ofc .. no
interesting stuffs here, i didn't had the time to read all the proofs shown but ill come back with my own reaction a bit later.
I don't think you understood my question.
GG skull.
I guess the whole point of the anticheater thing is to keep it under
wraps as much as possible, but that leads to the odd situation that
people will be banned without seeing the evidence for it. Anyway didn't
really want to post since it might seem I have a dog in this fight, but
for what it's worth I watched the demo and:
1. I think he wallhacks, I think he does on the dm17 demos too.
2. There is autoshoot involved, which is confirmed by the "anticheater thing". Coupled with the demo & play style it settles it for me.
3. He sucks monkey balls, I don't know why I am surprised but after
talking himself up that much I was expecting atleast something
"impressive". But that just goes to show that Jaw-jaw is jaw-jaw and
loudmouths will be loudmouths.
Tomma tunnor skramlar mest.
oh, i forgot to say something, it is not about trust, it is about my attitude, i prefer to say nothing, as long i can't proove it for sure, or in your case, if u can't post them.
While i can't proof, or you can't post, or whoever, there shouldn't be public posts/accusations about it.
That is my attitute, which has nothing to do with "trust".
NVM, i think u get what i mean, otherwise i send u a pm with a well formulated German post...
http://img444.imageshack.us/i/99565766.jpg/ - Skull : you opened your msn account with e+ dSharpe, No I did not, get over yourself.
I do not fear what outcome this paranoia will have - I play average when i suck and very good when I'm on form. Maybe continue to pursue me, or don't I don't really care but I'm not going to hide away like a cheater would. Black Ops is coming on the 360 tonight me canni wait for thaat.
Oh and ping doesnt mean anything in BFG, I still rock with 80-90 ms ping in that server, I have even seen players good with 100+ If you have skill and can adapt then you can play it no matter what.
Peace love respect and harmonies \o
can you test me with that software too? please
it works best along with pb.
if you cant figure out how it works, then it works good
as any anticheat.
hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."