About Killer..
I started to contact Killer's Internet Provider im going to leave some topics of him and i canceled another account of him with tons of flaming post. Please moderators dont delete the ones is left because it will be evidence to get this guy out of the net asap.
No offense, but this is the wrong course of action. He is paying them, so until he does something illegal, they won't cancel his account.
isnt that illegal? i think he does sth illegal.
afaik according to e+ form rules, you must be above 12 to use it, so if he posts such pics, he is violating the rules and is a pedophil? offensive posts in a forum where 12yo are allowed to read and post.
btw: nice action Spider :thumbright:
if the provider doesn't agree to block him or do anythhing about killer, tell the provider, that we will post the way the provider deals with the problem in forums of quake and other games, where ppl who feel offended are logged on. the provider should know that bad opinion isnt good for the company. i hope it works.
Not. The. Way. Read, plz?
well, for german relations, he did already something illegal with posting this penis put in a skull.
Also cybertrolling is a reason for german providers to warn at least a user.
Further, i pay tons of taxes, am i allowed to behave against laws now?
Isn't constant rebanning easier?
Doesn't it take more time for him to create a new acc than get banned?
haha havent you got anything better to do lol, quite a saddo imo - but whatever floats ya boat
You don't visit the forums often, so you don't know why is it such a drag Try being here more and you'll see why spider bothers so much
i read forums all the time
just ignore and delete these pathetic kids!
Ill keep trying untill he is out of here. If he wont get tired of creating of his lame attitude (and i think the nerd/geek is him fighting here) i wont get tired of emailing ISP's and such..
How many german internet providers are ? does anyone knows him from MSN or smthng ?
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