®AFC - Round 1 - DoK vs Evol 24/10/10

24 replies [Last post]
.DoK. Crazy
Forum moderator
lilcrazy.style's picture
Joined: Apr 2009

.DoK. 2:0 EVOL.Maps:Q3dm7, 16-14 for DOKPro-q3dm6, 18-17 for DOKServer: .!NXS Freeze Settings:_Xp_noCustomEnts “1”_Config: plusN_Gametype: Freeze Tag_Players: 3vs3_Timelimit: 15_FriendlyFire: ON_Punkbuster: ON_Pure Server: ON_Ref: Zaxtor
GGs guyz!! & Thx all Big grin

My ideas and content for E+:

.DoK. Clan® founder/leader since October 2008 ©.

.DoK. Clan Trailer <-- Thanks to DoK SoftAir.
Throphy: 3rd place AFC 2010.
]DOK[ DanGeR FroSteD!

Caipiroska-fragola , Sex on the beach, Pink floid Big grin
Soft prendiamo i soliti? ok, 1 canarino e 3 ACE con ghiaccio Big grin

fps's picture
Joined: Mar 2008
US United States
Re: AFC - Round 1 - DoK vs Evol 24/10/10

what, thats not readable:D

Black _Rose's picture
Joined: Feb 2010
Re: AFC - Round 1 - DoK vs Evol 24/10/10

Big grin
please make all clear:p
this can be example for you:)

darkangelspa's picture
Joined: Feb 2010
Re: AFC - Round 1 - DoK vs Evol 24/10/10

Happy gg

Gloria Mōmentum
Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.”

“There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter.”
—Ernest Hemingway

.DoK. Crazy
Forum moderator
lilcrazy.style's picture
Joined: Apr 2009
Re: AFC DoK 2:0 Evol 24/10/10

.DoK. 2:0 EVOL.
Maps:Q3dm7, 16-14 for DOK
Pro-q3dm6, 18-17 for DOK
Server: .!NXS Freeze
Settings:_Xp_noCustomEnts “1”
_Config: plusN_
Gametype: Freeze Tag
_Players: 3vs3
_Timelimit: 15
_FriendlyFire: ON
_Punkbuster: ON
_Pure Server: ON
_Ref: Zaxtor

GGs guyz!! & Thx all

My ideas and content for E+:

.DoK. Clan® founder/leader since October 2008 ©.

.DoK. Clan Trailer <-- Thanks to DoK SoftAir.
Throphy: 3rd place AFC 2010.
]DOK[ DanGeR FroSteD!

Caipiroska-fragola , Sex on the beach, Pink floid Big grin
Soft prendiamo i soliti? ok, 1 canarino e 3 ACE con ghiaccio Big grin

Zaxtor's picture
Joined: Jan 2010
Re: AFC - Round 1 - DoK vs Evol 24/10/10

Joined: Nov 2005
SE Sweden
Re: AFC - Round 1 - DoK vs Evol 24/10/10


telox's picture
Joined: Jul 2005
Re: AFC - Round 1 - DoK vs Evol 24/10/10

GG DOK, you were stronger today. I'm sorry for being an ass on dm6 map, asking two of your players to leave, it's just that I find 3vs3 too unrepresented for a clanwar and the rules clearly state that if there are 4 players of each clan present, it should be 4 vs 4.
There were a lot of problems caused by the referee. He was acting very cocky. Thought to have everything in hands, but didn't know the rules and was even kicked by PB after enabling it. Can someone explain to me why a client shouldn't have a rate of more than 25000 when the server is the one setting a limit?

|ZOO| team - Connecting people.

Joined: Oct 2008
Re: AFC - Round 1 - DoK vs Evol 24/10/10

gg and wp Lex, Deja and Atrax.

Other than that, what a fucked up cw. Ref being an ignorant dick, interruptions by the 'ref team leader' due to "OH, I THINK YOU PLAYIN MAP WITH WRONG SPAWNS, TIMEOUT NOW", and Style's and Crazy's reluctance to play to make a decent match at 4vs4. If you don't wanna play in cw's, why the fuck are you in a clan?

About the ref, dunno wtf he is doing in the ref team. Plus he doesn't even know the rules for his own tournament.

/rant over.

alienM's picture
Joined: Jun 2009
Re: AFC - Round 1 - DoK vs Evol 24/10/10

This match should be played on ZMB war server. On that server are "specials" spawn places (Aliminiums's - he is server admin). This is first game and first day for Zaxtor in ref team. For start he did fine job. And I interupted game as "ref team leader" because I wanted to check if spawn places are fixed, but Zaxtor did it (So he know cmds). If sawn places wasn't fixed this game would be ranked, so I must to say to you big sorry. I apologize to you to interupt game for asking and cheking and apologize one more time because game is legal and your lost will be ranked... Winking
P.S. Well played! Happy

alienM's picture
Joined: Jun 2009
Re: AFC - Round 1 - DoK vs Evol 24/10/10

Btw, interuption by "refs" was after first map! And you started second map in peace, so why you just can't say GG and be fair?! ... pfff...
P.S. I gived oportunity to Zaxtor today to show if he is decent ref, because in last few month he did nice job for this community, organized some small cups and this oen big which you played tonight, AFC! So show a little respect at least for that - I think is fair!