Autumn Freeze Cup ~2010~ | clans
- - General Info -
- 01. Sign ups till: 08.10.2010
- 02. Cup start: 10.10.2010
- 03. Clans: no limit
- - Server Settings -
- 04. Gametype: freezetag
- 05. Cup System: Double Elimination
- 06. Config: plusN (latest)
- 07. Timelimit: 15 minutes
- 08. Fraglimit: 0 frags
- 09. xp_suddendeath "1"
- 10. xp_matchmode "1"
- 11. g_friendlyfire "1"
- 12. pb + pure: on
- - Rules -
- 13. Minimum allowed players per team during game is 3
- 14. When there is more than 3 players on server minimum players required is 4.
- 15. Maximum allowed players per team during game is 5
- 16. Referee must be on every match. Refere you can find in officially reffere team or it can be every player, who isnt in clans which play in this day in cw.
- 17. A ref should be online checking settings on server and taking mvd demos during the match. He/She should also sort out any difficulties on the server.
- 18. Every valid game will be considered as a game for the FreezeTag of PLUS side Clan Rank.
- 19. If a match isnt played within deadline there will be WO.
- 20. Every player, which recruited by the clan, in the time of cup, must will wait one match.
- 21. Every clan have right two timeouts per map, if second clan disagree on more timeouts for opposite clan, and opposite clan taken 3d timeout then will be WO.
- - If one clan doesnt reply = WO (use forums)
- - If one clan doesnt show up after 20 minutes after set time (Time set on public forums) = WO
- - If one clan can't or doesn't have enough members during whole deadline time = WO
- - WO will be counted as normal loss/win in tournament. The WO clan will be moved to Loserbracket and winner clan will continue as normal.
- 22. Cheating and multiclaning is not allowed, clan will have responsibility to check enterys. Proven multiclan or cheat = clan thrown off tournament.
- 23. Trial members of clan is not allowed to play in cw.
- 24. CLANLEADERS please sign up your clans with members participating + provide contact.
- 25. Please set date and play it asap
- - Ladder System -
- 26. Two week, one game.
- 27. Games will be played in BEST OF 3 system (minimum 2 maps for team to win the match)
- - Maps -
- 28. Maplist:
- q3dm1, q3dm2, q3dm3, ..., q3dm19
- - ospdm1, ospdm2, ospdm3, ..., ospdm1
- 1++
- - 6++
- - 7++
- - overkill
- - cpm2
- - cpm4
- - cpm6
- - cpm9
- - cpm14
- - cpm21
- - poq3dm5
- - ermap3
- - mkexp
- - ospra3map1
- - mrcq3t3
- - pro-dcmap7
- - pro-q3tourney7
- Tie map:
- pro-q3dm6, q3dm11, overkill,
- -note: if one of clans, have been choose own map, one of tie, then automaticly this map will be banned as tie.

for more information contact : Zaxtor <> and Invisible <>
At the moment : 14 clans in
E><TREME! in.
contact: invisible -
squad: invisible, sch1fo, roni, daxter, freakman, adi, dess, am1go, in, perry, scyzor, stqrm, xed, scarface(t).hardcore, ozg1tz, saruman.
R* inplayer :
Purgystar, Drina, Noshit, Lebow'sky, Blunt, Lion, Epsilon, Hunter, Fokus, Furiat, Thorpe, Twister, He!!o, Devast, Crow, Syndrome, Aliminium, Illca, Alpha.
laeder - Purgatory (however he is inactive)
co-leader - Drina -
D()K)= danger over kill in
contact style and crazy
players--> Crazy, atrax, Style, Lex, Nether, Marsal, Mago, Jeikat, Xonas, Cartman, softair, Persia, Mulla, Revolver.
contacts - FPS, lala -
players - fps, lala, pro100, rengen ,tgk, korey, dan1a, turoth, tricky, road, aklin, drum, korso, zik, coupe.
>RSQT< in
players: d!vers!ty, therpope, rayden, bastek, yamsza, eraser, fiasek, seeb4
contacts :
Rayden -
Diversity -
players : * Hazard! Dragon! Deky! Atwa! Tyrant! Doomcore! Larry!*
Players :
*ZMB*RaWr!* ; *ZMB*SKINNIS* ; *ZMB*ALIENM * ; ZMB*ROSOMAK* ; *ZMB*RAGE* ; *ZMB*MERLIN* ; *ZMB*XVIBENEDYKT* ; *ZMB*GOLDMAN* ; *ZMB*CANDYMAN* ; *ZMB*ORBY* ; *ZMB*Epykoi* ; *ZMB*GE* ; *ZMB*Shady'AK* ; *ZMB*FROGGYContacts : skinnis -> Osm ->sebatian.fric@hotmail.comUltra ->
- msn:
- gg: 7078819
- msn:
- gg: 3264936
Ascari, Kicek, Levee, Bazz, Dibe, W4r, Ufas, Desh, Montis, Turas, Andre, Morpheus, Smoker, Louder, Extreme, Viewer, Tehace, Anti.
Contacts: Iznogoud -, Ridd
Players: Wax, Iznogoud, Equilibrium, Riddler, Homix, Ab, Panty, Stikkan, Infected, Orm, Vextor, qXy, Xab, Cigaro, Flame and Nw.
BOS in.
Players :
Bara ; Kisslt ; Crowbar ; Karkus ;
THC in
Fate, Sake, MixerX, Robal, Narcyz, Subb, Style, Syntax, Piter, Murd, PHX, Tico, Baca, Jak, Hell, Kraster.
Me -
Sake -
BadBoYsQuad IN
yashi, trx, vir, kinzo, xotic, keep, hex, ewe, zap, qra, hyde, klamot, zuszek, pjax, ruler, sez
[MR.] in :Contacts :
kaktus :
zont :
Players: Laktos, Kaktus, Nagi, Skaf, Mistress, Mona, Mircwar, Zont, Doctor, Nanamoon, Korgath, Flash, Camel, Marcus.
im not sure if i understood ur post properly, but let me try...
[clan]bbscorpion[/clan] in.
are there some rules?

are there some rules?
seems not, so everything is possible here
Zax, can u write all rules etc. on the first post?
sad (( xD
no group stage ??
ps. why do not create group-only-like system -- where no playoff will be. the 2 besxt of group goto to the next group stage - and then and then -- until one last group will be ? becasue the main purpose of cups (imho) -- is wars, many wars. isnt it ?
pps. why freeze? that is SFC was ended in days and we re-create one more freeze cup. mb not freeze ?
It's zax cup, so he can make rules imo tdm will be better
dok quote 4 freeze cup
Rules Up