Benedykt, Trance, Kerl caught using wallhack
A few days ago, attention was paid to the situation with the sound hacks, I'm quite strongly argued against the people involved in it (including Kaizen and the IS clan as a whole). Benedykt didn’t like it and in my address I got some bad sayings about - "you were a terrible rank admin and a horrible moderator". After that, I got the following message; it contained three screenshots, one of which showed usage of wallhack on my server.
Of course, played nicknames have been covered by green line and it wasn’t possible to recognize them. But cheaters didn’t cover date and time!
After that, I posted it in the cheater report topic just to check people’s reaction. In a small hope, I knew that my server was closed about 1-2 months ago, because my clan left e+, but I expected that the server logs could still be saved. I sent a message to A-Ones team and received a reply. Server logs were actually in safe and except nicknames of these players, logs also showed their very interesting correspondence.
You could check logs by following link I gave.
Here I just paste their correspondence.
Trance used a clan nickname so in the logs that symbols weren't showed. For your eyes I renamed him into "a3" as last symbols of his clan tag.
quit - benedykt
vr - Kerl
a3 - Trance
1065:09say: quit: hello again 2
1065:14say: vr: hi 0
1065:17say: vr: )) 0
1065:19say: vr: so 0
1065:29say: quit: lets check 2
1065:33say: quit: any error 2
1065:57say: quit: i can see only if you are #22near#22 2
1066:03say: quit: like atm 2
1066:10say: vr: one wall 0
1066:12say: quit: was jumping in wall xd 2
1066:32say: quit: 0 curnet violations 2
1066:46say: quit: i will make screens 2
1066:47say: vr: wee need to play 3-5 min mb? 0
1066:52say: quit: kk 2
1068:07say: vr: shoot us 0
1068:12say: quit: i had around 20 screens 2
1068:38say: quit: xzd 2
1068:56say: quit: xd 2
1069:00say: vr: loss 0
1069:03say: quit: need to change confif 2
1069:06say: quit: to my own 2
1069:13say: quit: cuz here is defealt 2
1069:24say: vr: u got lossss 0
1069:28say: quit: also 2
1069:30say: a3.: u have loss with wh? 1
1069:34say: quit: never played from windows D: 2 - ( LOL - link; )
1069:54say: a3.: make rate 25000 1
1070:01say: a3.: snaps 40 1
1070:06say: vr: rate 0
1070:09say: a3.: packet 125 1
1070:09say: vr: snaps 0
1070:54say: a3.: ^70^1=) 1
1071:03say: quit: xd 2
1071:11say: a3.: give it us 1
1071:36say: a3.: ^3*^1L^8o^1L^3*^2^2l^3o^2l^3*^4L^5o^4L^3*^6l^7o^6l^3* 1
1071:42say: a3.: cheater xD 1
1071:51say: quit: crouch with gautlets 2
1071:54say: quit: or move slowly 2
1072:00say: quit: i will find you all time 2
1072:02say: vr: no write in chat 0
1072:11say: vr: ts 0
1072:20say: a3.: Benek send it us 1
1072:27say: vr: in console - logs 0
1072:30say: vr: !!! 0
1072:51say: quit: easy some1 will show it to them after month or longer 2 (OLOLOLOLOLOL)
1072:54say: vr: some one look at log and see what we write))) 0 ( HAHAHAHHAHAHAH YES XDPLS)
1072:57say: a3.: Benek u use win7? 1
1073:01say: quit: yes 2
1073:06say: a3.: nice 1
1073:25say: quit: pls change weapons to gaunt 2
1073:32say: quit: and walk slowly or hide 2
1073:34say: quit: somewhere 2
1073:38say: vr: k 0
1073:42say: quit: iam at philars 2
1073:46say: quit: hide somewhere 2
1074:00say: vr: done 0
1074:34say: quit: zs 2
1074:35say: quit: xd 2
1074:39say: quit: trance do not walk d: 2
1074:40say: vr: damn 0
1074:42say: quit: hide 2
1075:26say: a3.: OK GO TO TS CHAT 1
1075:35say: a3.: BENEK 1
1075:54say: quit: do not work at win for me 2
1075:57say: quit: maybe skype 2
1076:05say: a3.: OK SKYPE 1
1076:23say: a3.: MY NICK d_starex_b 1
1076:38say: quit: maybe we wait 2
1076:49say: quit: to end of map?> 2
1077:06say: quit: kk 2
1077:12say: quit: lets play this whole map 2
1077:15say: quit: 2v1 2
1077:16say: quit: kk? 2
1077:20say: vr: k 0
1077:20say: a3.: ok 1
1077:28say: a3.: teamready 1
1077:41Referee: 1 ready
1078:10say: quit: rxd 2
1082:33say: a3.: ^3*^1L^8o^1L^3*^2^2l^3o^2l^3*^4L^5o^4L^3*^6l^7o^6l^3* 1
1084:02say: quit: tp 2
1084:08say: a3.: go rsqt its most suka kurwa server 1
1084:23say: a3.: i have ref 1
1084:45say: a3.: Benek 1
1084:51say: a3.: Benek 1
1084:56say: quit: not from thic pc 2
1085:01say: quit: this 2
1086:13say: a3.: Benek 1
1086:14say: quit: i think time is enought 2
1086:18say: vr: y 0
1086:20say: quit: i go upload screenshots 2
1086:25say: vr: wait 0
1086:27say: quit: to show you 2
1086:30say: vr: just wait 0
1086:31say: quit: for? 2
1086:34say: vr: aaa 0
1086:35say: a3.: upload this cheat suka 1
1086:36say: vr: k 0
1086:40say: quit: nope 2
1086:45say: vr: not in e+ forum 0
1086:55say: vr: yet 0
1086:59say: quit: upload and show via irc 2
1087:01say: quit: or skype 2
1087:07say: vr: skype 0
1087:07say: quit: from my minus 2
1087:09say: a3.: MY NICK d_starex_b 1 (Trance's nick, showed on rus facebook also)
1087:12say: quit: kk 2
1087:12say: a3.: skype 1
1087:15say: vr: go to skype 0
1087:19say: quit: i will be at ts soon 2
1087:24say: quit: need restarer 2
1087:25say: vr: k 0
Sorry mate but this is not proof of a cheating during cw/fw and any other kind of public game... IMHO they can defence by "we were testing only" and that's enough... Anyway as we see this is possible to bypass e+ anticheat and pb, easy, by everyone who want to do it, why are we playing ranked games then? Isn't it pointless? Everyone can be called cheater now, especially top players who are included in testing anti cheat software, no offence just feelings:/
Anticheat doesnt detect wh. Wonder is it only Jumpsland PB because of empty file or any PB.
I hope they will be banned whoever they are.

Yes because we dont have PB kick to ban him aswell. You know how Rank works. Words are words i also test those files after came out, so what? I will ban myself?
no demo + no drop for suspected cheating screensho = no solid accusation = stick u'r "proofs" up your ass again fps.
and all 3 of them are nubs btw xd

no demo + no drop for suspected cheating screensho = no solid accusation...
and all 3 of them are nubs xd
ban them .
fps you must be kidding
If they are cheating, why are they still a bunch of newbies?
just don't know what to believe..
Ofcourse there are already enough proffs for permanent ban, but I did a research and checked IPs.
Checking logs there are following IP/guids -
1047:29 ClientConnect: 0 \ip\\guid\9B34381D0CC9FF1EE06553D4CE075959\tld\BT\country\Bhutan\rtld\RU\rcountry\Russian Federation
1047:29 ClientConnect: 1 \ip\\guid\6FA2AADD0F74BAE9328A70575CF82BCA\tld\HK\country\Hong Kong\rtld\UA\rcountry\Ukraine
1054:26 ClientConnect: 2 \ip\\guid\DE56FA323968816FD5BF36C9A4B0C954\tld\PL\country\Poland
I checked beerfreezer stats and found Trance IP. Absolutely same IP and Guid.

Epsilon confirmed me Benedykts IP.
Kerls IP isn't confirmed yet. But he was ex-IS member and was also using name VR, so there are also no doubts about his personality.

Thx everybody for reading, GG Benedykt. If you weren't so dumb, you wouldn't send wallhack screens to the server owner. However, you told me, I was a bad server admin, so now when I found it was you cheating - you may change your opinion, enjoy your upcoming ban.