Cheater Report Discussion
Active 05-12-11.
As previously stated by former moderator Madbringer:
Discuss captured cheaters here!The sole purpose of this thread is to allow discussion about people
captured and exposed in the "Report Cheaters Here!" thread, which can be
found here: link1. No off-topic.
If you happen to be on the wrong side of a cheat accusation, do try and be polite.2. Keep the discussions civil and based on solid arguments.
Because of

[RSQT WAR SERVER][12.02.2011
19:52:17] PB UCON "pbbhub1"@ [say ^7|^5PBBHub^7|
Player ^2Q3FAN! ^3(3d25df19) ^7banned for ^1CVAR(9001)]
19:52:17] PB UCON "pbbhub1"@ [pb_sv_banguid
520fcc3c49e561800ee528623d25df19 "Q3FAN!" "94.179.*.*"
[12.02.2011 19:52:17] Ban Added to Ban List
19:52:17] PB UCON "pbbhub1"@ [pb_sv_kickguid
"520fcc3c49e561800ee528623d25df19" 1200 "PBBansHub: Kicking Q3FAN! for
[12.02.2011 19:52:17] Unknown Command/Setting: pb_sv_kickguid
"520fcc3c49e561800ee528623d25df19" 1200 "PBBansHub: Kicking Q3FAN! for
[12.02.2011 19:52:21] VIOLATION (CVAR) #9001:s66 Auto-Shooter v1.2 (s66AS)
By sYx66
TwT needs to kick
or they are cheater supporters and would get a total rank ban ?
all the time he was twt leader and as i remember if leader caught in cheating all his clan should get smth too.

Because of
[RSQT WAR SERVER][12.02.2011
19:52:17] PB UCON "pbbhub1"@ [say ^7|^5PBBHub^7|
Player ^2Q3FAN! ^3(3d25df19) ^7banned for ^1CVAR(9001)]
19:52:17] PB UCON "pbbhub1"@ [pb_sv_banguid
520fcc3c49e561800ee528623d25df19 "Q3FAN!" "94.179.*.*"
[12.02.2011 19:52:17] Ban Added to Ban List
19:52:17] PB UCON "pbbhub1"@ [pb_sv_kickguid
"520fcc3c49e561800ee528623d25df19" 1200 "PBBansHub: Kicking Q3FAN! for
[12.02.2011 19:52:17] Unknown Command/Setting: pb_sv_kickguid
"520fcc3c49e561800ee528623d25df19" 1200 "PBBansHub: Kicking Q3FAN! for
[12.02.2011 19:52:21] VIOLATION (CVAR) #9001:s66 Auto-Shooter v1.2 (s66AS)
By sYx66
TwT needs to kick
or they are cheater supporters and would get a total rank ban ?
he left them for 6 months, and is not allowed to play cws nor fws for the twt clan, as both leaders informed me.
so i think is no problem if he stays there to read their internal forum

all the time he was twt leader and as i remember if leader caught in cheating all his clan should get smth too.
good point, exactly same situation as with D4 and Shadow
its not your bussines that he is in clan or not. he is just banned from playing ranked games for e+. nothing else. he still can walsking around e+ like all other normal users.
I'm already leader TwT not a clan!
I cannot and will not participate in the CW while operating my ban!
Please, leave [TwT] in peace!
I'm already leader TwT not a clan!
I cannot and will not participate in the CW while operating my ban!Please, leave [TwT] in peace!
u mean u arent a leader of twt, cos there is two new leaders to lead the clan.
u will not participate in clan wars, during ur ban 6 months.
thats what u mean : > dont use google translator ppl will flame u
he can't be banned from ranking...

- Busted with active cheat ( really caughted ) - BAN PERMANENTLY no matter who is that guy, receiveRED CARD :!:
- Busted with cheat which is not active or cheat variable in cfg - WARNED, receiveYELLOW CARD and someone from community (usually clan leader) help him, explane to him how clean that shit. Make YELLOW LIST of busted with not active cheats :!: After cleaning his Q3 if he busted again BAN PERMANENTLY, receive RED CARD
u guys don't even reading rules, or aren't proper to make such a decisions, but still u do push him to make things that violates the rules...

u guys don't even reading rules
Status Explainations
This person can't play any ranked match.
If the banned cheater is member of a CLAN,
then this CLAN is banned from ranking untill
the banned player will be kicked from the clan. Banned members due to
other violations then cheating can still be in a clan if somebody
trusts them.

its not your bussines that he is in clan or not. he is just banned from playing ranked games for e+. nothing else. he still can walsking around e+ like all other normal users.
It is our ( E+ ) business because we are played CW's vs TwT... and i dont want to play vs cheater( s ) nor want to know that a cheater is in that clan and maybe give others his cheats...
EDIT: i just re-read my first post and i have typed something wrong... it should be a question but i demanded it in that post so sry
Hello skull! Just even here u read (fho kill this post be anunacy), i have more questions why skull say it is OK, whet cheaters