®CTFM3 - Vendetta 2-1 LSF 19.02.13
CTF Madness CUP 3
LSF vs Vendetta
- 1st vendetta map [q3wcp5] 14:5 - for vendetta
- 2nd lsf map [q3ctf1] 10:8 - for lsf
- tie map [q3w2] 7:6 - for vendetta
- Gametype: CTF
- Players:3v3
- Timelimit: 15 min
- Fraglimit: 0
- Config: PlusN v2.4
- PB: On
- Pure: On
- Friendly Fire: off
- Referee: gangstr
- Server: -C4- WAR SERVER


my first ctf cw, at ql ctf is much better without that spam
anyway bg, thanks gangstr 4 your time.
U re right mate, without that spam from yours side would be much different specially in the scores, Gg Vendetta.
PD: Killer, stop calling us noobs, you failed 1 map, almost the whole match, gg
PD2: Pacific it's me, in case others get confused. Dynio, i decided to use that nick as long i wanna change for some time the nick and also to skip incoming ban kick's, hope you understand this.
Then go play QL ctf, nobody forced you to play, btw looks like your railspam wasnt working much...uh...
@Pjax, nice scores for man who played e+ all weapons config ctf for first time;]
@Bax, I don't mind how many times you will change your nick name, but you should play under same tag what appears in LSF* clandb, I'll validate this game but next time server owner have to provide me log or ref to prove it, anyway it looks like your lag ;]
I'm sorry to tell you dynio, that we will have this tag style during whole cup, as long server doesnt let us have our real tags from clandb, server kicks us, guess its not our fault... but well, i think theres no problem for that?
PD: Thanks kamas and clyde for playing their first CTF match, well done guys

You seriously did not understand that he said your name... and not your whole lfs tag ?
He is saying, if you change name <- again just the name, then you should also change it in clanDB and not the whole tag but only YOUR NAME....
lsf*bax -> lsf*< enter name here >
Both side GG, here are demos
ps: first map we lost blue flag still dunno where was it and we played first map again

Both side GG, here are demos
ps: first map we lost blue flag still dunno where was it
and we played first map again
Hahahah funny shit! damn i laughed hard when we 3 were in the base looking ourselves and looking who was the one of us that had the flag, then we thought and nobody had it, AHAHAHAH.
my first ctf cw, at ql ctf is much better without that spam
anyway bg, thanks gangstr 4 your time.
play hard, you'll forget the fear...