®E+ Rail Tournament v2. Trickz 2:0 Blackfx
2. December 2011 - 21:23
.:Game for: E+ Rail Tournament v2
.:1st map: Q3DM3 ( Trickz choice ) 27:18 for Trickz
.:2nd map: pro-q3tourney7 ( Blackfx choice ) 18:17 for Trickz
.:Gametype: Tournament
.:Timelimit: 7
.:Fraglimit: 0
.:Pure: Enabled
.:Punkbuster: Enabled
.:CFG: rr.cfg v4
.:Server: [ RSQT WAR SERVER ]
.:Screens: http://imageshack.us/g/836/20111202194041q3dm3rsqt.jpg/
.:Demos: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=3H0JFR2A
Made that topic because no1 from them did it.
2. December 2011 - 22:10
Re: E+ Rail Tournament v2. Trickz 2:0 Blackfx
i was thinking that blackfx will won
2. December 2011 - 22:22
Re: E+ Rail Tournament v2. Trickz 2:0 Blackfx
gg m8
3. December 2011 - 6:29
Re: E+ Rail Tournament v2. Trickz 2:0 Blackfx
bastek you win . gg
3. December 2011 - 9:50
Re: E+ Rail Tournament v2. Trickz 2:0 Blackfx

i was thinking that blackfx will won
i was thinking about hard score for trickzwp mate.wp mate