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hook's picture
Joined: Mar 2008

yo guyz.

excessive5 and excessive5r

Greets asphyx

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funk's picture
Joined: Mar 2008
e5r.cfg | current -> 2.6 v2.0a

<3 you for it Tongue good job, i`ll test it soon.

* Veni, Vidi, Vici! (c) July Caesar.
* God lives in fair heart.

Joined: Aug 2008
e5r.cfg | current -> 2.6 v2.0a

all good except
railgun, set ammo to 50.. 200 is for borg server Happy
mg, set ammo + limit to 500 (it was 400)
anticamp needs to be removed, especially for ctf
pickup items, like health + mega are to be removed
erm, thats about it i think

hook's picture
Joined: Mar 2008
e5r.cfg | current -> 2.6 v2.0a
^[Evil]Monkey wrote:

all good except
railgun, set ammo to 50.. 200 is for borg server Happy
mg, set ammo + limit to 500 (it was 400)
anticamp needs to be removed, especially for ctf
pickup items, like health + mega are to be removed
erm, thats about it i think

set cfg updated:
railgun set ammo 50
mg ammo + limit 500
anticamp removed

what do u mean. can u tell me what do u mean in a screenshot or so?

especially for ctf
pickup items, like health + mega are to be removed ?

thx u except? xd

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Joined: Aug 2008
e5r.cfg | current -> 2.6 v2.0a
outofhere! wrote:

set cfg updated:
railgun set ammo 50
mg ammo + limit 500
anticamp removed

what do u mean. can u tell me what do u mean in a screenshot or so?

especially for ctf
pickup items, like health + mega are to be removed ?

thx u except? xd

i meant, anticamp needs to be removed - especially ctf (cuz with anticamp, you cant def Evil )

and yeah, health + mega are mainly only seen in ctf for e6
all good then, nice work :rr:

funk's picture
Joined: Mar 2008
e5r.cfg | current -> 2.6 v2.0a

so im has tested this cfg. if you asphyx wanted to do second versiond of the e5r cfg, then in my opinion would be nice to leave anticamp protection for a tdm/freeze. for a ctf gametype turn off it. same would be good if u has turn off automatic restoration health. and physics as in plus n1 Tongue

if you wanted simple to create same old e5r 1.03 cfg, then need remove:
all healths on the maps
anticamp protection
lg style, now its looking like and on plus
xp_physics 0
to increase switch time

i didnt yet see what with freeze tag. but on the oldest version on the e + 1.04-beta5 defroze was such quickly.

* Veni, Vidi, Vici! (c) July Caesar.
* God lives in fair heart.

hook's picture
Joined: Mar 2008
e5r.cfg | current -> 2.6 v2.0a
eXtremely'visible! wrote:

so im has tested this cfg. if you asphyx wanted to do second versiond of the e5r cfg, then in my opinion would be nice to leave anticamp protection for a tdm/freeze. for a ctf gametype turn off it. same would be good if u has turn off automatic restoration health. and physics as in plus n1 Tongue

if you wanted simple to create same old e5r 1.03 cfg, then need remove:
all healths on the maps
anticamp protection
lg style, now its looking like and on plus
xp_physics 0
to increase switch time

i didnt yet see what with freeze tag. but on the oldest version on the e + 1.04-beta5 defroze was such quickly.

so i dont know i think u test the first version not the update from 19.08.2009.

so anti camp is removed .

new update 20.08.2009

items and powerups changed with armor , health +mega
freeze tag settings changing faster thaw as old 1.03 e5r and other fast stuff
missiles set to 0 destroyable and teleport
xp_physics to 0
health hard limit and motifyItems specialy for ctf
specially in freeze tag faster thaw time and lava slime etc.

i set the spawn protection in freeze , ca and 1on1: 1,5 other gametypes 0.

so first site updated..

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bfgjon's picture
Joined: May 2006
RO Romania
e5r.cfg | current -> 2.6 v2.0a

GJ Asp. RKT server is updated with e5rbeta cfg Big grin

p!nky wrote:

futema si tu Tongue

hook's picture
Joined: Mar 2008
e5r.cfg | current -> 2.6 v2.0a

GJ Asp. RKT server is updated with e5rbeta cfg Big grin

yo thx m8.

so i try to fix all suggestions from u all but i need to complete all little changings after and after not all at the same time i try it and then was the cfg too unbalanced...

ok i think 1 update ---the final is coming but then i think i found all bugs and smooth settings...

upcoming settings and changings in next updated ar then:

in clanarena 1on1 and freeze gametypes setting , a spawnprotection from :1.5 ----->1.0
no health and powerups to use and to see
so more balanced to bfg and splash damage....(what do u think its bfg too strong ? )

so pls test it in many gametypes and i hope u dont found bugs Big grin

i think this weekend its finaly finished...

greets asphyx

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hook's picture
Joined: Mar 2008
e5r.cfg | current -> 2.6 v2.0a

so final version is ready to upload...

greets asphyx

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funk's picture
Joined: Mar 2008
e5r.cfg | current -> 2.6 v2.0a

there here is e5r version, made by dvix. it`s like e5r in 1.03, but in this version need to change defroze time in freeze tag gametype.

* Veni, Vidi, Vici! (c) July Caesar.
* God lives in fair heart.