Fast Rail v 1.0a
fastrail.cfg update to version 1.0a
Config { Name = "^o^2^4Fast ^3^1Rail ^7^5v1.0a"; Date = "03 August 2013"; Author = " Q3FAN (TwT Clan), alienM (Sneaky Bastards Clan), DarkAngel (3M Clan)"; } Misc { $xp_unlagged = 1; $xp_physics = PHYSICS_CONTROL_FORWARD | PHYSICS_CONTROL_SIDEWARD | PHYSICS_CONTROL_STOP | PHYSICS_RAMP_JUMPS | PHYSICS_DOUBLE_JUMPS; $g_speed = 340; $g_gravity = 805; $xp_solids = 0; $xp_chatProtection = 0; $xp_muteSpectators = 0; $g_dowarmup = 1; if ( $xp_AntyCamp == "" ) { $xp_AntyCamp = "1"; } Start Weapon = WP_RAILGUN; Start Weapons = WP_RAILGUN | WP_GAUNTLET | WP_BFG | WP_GRENADE_LAUNCHER; Start Powerups = 0; Weapons = WP_NONE; Items = IT_TELEPORTER; Ammos = AM_NONE; Powerups = PW_NONE; Drop Enable = DR_ALL; if ( $g_gametype == 8 ) { Spawn Protection = 1.5; } else { Spawn Protection = 0; } Multi Jumps = 4; DM Flags = DM_NO_FALLING_DAMAGE | DM_NO_SELF_DAMAGE | DM_TELEPORT_SPEED | DM_NO_QUAD_KNOCKBACK | DM_INFINITE_AMMO; Respawn = 1; Respawn Time Suicide = Respawn Time = 1; Hit Box = 1.0; Haste Factor = 1.3; Health = 300; Health Soft Limit = 300; Health Hard Limit = 600; Health Regen = 200; Health Regen Amount = 2; Armor Regen Amount = 7; Health Regen Amount = 7; Armor Regen Amount = 7; Shootable Items = 0; Weapon Time { Dropping = -1; Raising = -210; Ammo = -1; } Corpse { Gib = no; Time = 1; } Missiles { Destroyable = 1; Teleport = 1; } Anti Camp { if ( $xp_AntyCamp == "1" ) Time = 12; else Time = 0; Radius = 300; Damage = 125; } Freeze Tag { Thaw Time = 2.8; Self Thaw Time = Water Thaw Time = 85; Lava Thaw Time = Slime Thaw Time = 4; Void Thaw Time = 4.4; Crushed Thaw Time = -0.1; Thaw Distance = 100; Thaw Score = 1; Teleport Thaw = 1; Damage Thaw = 0; Teamkill Freeze = no; } } Suicide { Damage = 0; Knockback = 0; Radius = 0; Style = no; } Gauntlet { Cycle = 400; Damage = 900; if ($g_gametype == 9) { Damage = 500;} else { Damage = 900;} Knockback = 200; Weight = 0.97; Firing Weight = 0.97; } Grenade Launcher { Cycle = 500; Damage = 0; Knockback = 200; Team Knockback = 0; Splash Damage = 0; Splash Knockback = 200; Team Splash Knockback = 0; Radius = 200; Self Damage = 0.5; Self Knockback = 200; Firing Knockback = 0; Regen = 650; Speed = 700; Ammo = Ammo Limit = 5; Style = WPS_IMPACT_GRENADE; Bounce = no; Gravity = yes; Time to Live = 10; Sky = no; Weight = 1.0; Firing Weight = 1.0; } Railgun { Cycle = 700; Damage = 900; Knockback = 90; Splash Damage = 0; Splash Knockback = Splash Damage; Radius = 150; Self Damage = 0; Self Knockback = 90; Firing Knockback = 0; Regen = 7300; Ammo = 200; Ammo Limit = 200; Style = WPS_RAILTRAIL | WPS_IMPACT_RAIL; Bounce = no; Sky = no; Weight = 1.0; Firing Weight = 1.0; Max Hits = 4; if ($g_gametype == 9) { Damage = 400;} else { Damage = 900;} } BFG { Cycle = 700; Damage = 0; Knockback = 0; Splash Damage = 0; Splash Knockback = 0; Radius = 70; Self Damage = 0; Self Knockback = -150; Firing Knockback = 0; Regen = 1000; Speed = 1500; Ammo = 100; Ammo Limit = 200; Style = 384; Grenade Count = 7; Grenade Damage = 0; Grenade Knockback = 0; Grenade Splash Damage = 0; Grenade Splash Knockback = 0; Grenade Radius = 70; Grenade Self Knockback = -210; Grenade Style = 8; Bounce = 0; Gravity = 0; Time to Live = 0.053; Sky = 1; Weight = 1.0; Firing Weight = 1.0; Time -> Dropping = 0; Time -> Ammo = 0; } times { Gauntlet -> Time -> Raising = -1; Grenade Launcher -> Time -> Raising = -240; Railgun -> Time -> Raising = -230; BFG -> Time -> Raising = -230; }
xp_ignoreStupidConfigs 1

xp_ignoreStupidConfigs 1
Shit spam

xp_ignoreStupidConfigs 1
If you don't like it make a better one.
E+ supports new configs. After all, the configs popular now in e+ were new at their time. And there was some1 to say: "stupid config". But look now you play it

nobody want play with you
I go play =|
Why bfg should be so powerful? its like insta teleport, arent grenades enough to speed up the movement?
I speak about bfg in general, grenades are more then enough to move very quick but at least its possible to shoot you while u are in air. In case of bfg i dont see possibilities to react... its more like teleport then moving actually, it brings more imbalanced gameplay, harder to chase or trap such player and harder to defend some area so = less teamplay in my mind. I understand that you have this bfg for long period of time but still can anyone explain what's so interesting in this weapon and why nades/rockets aren't enough for moving, will be nice to see any decent arguments .
yea, stupid config, but people like