Freeze Tag Cup 2015
1. Sign-up deadline: 17.05.2015
2. Cup and Shedule announcement: 17.05.2015
3. Cup start: 18.05.2015
4. Maximal amount of Clans participating: 10
5. Played mod: 2.3 ( or newest version )
6. Played config: plusN.cfg ( 2.4 version! )
7. xp_itemstyle : 1
8. Played gametype: - 8 - FTAG
1. Every clan has to have their forums on the website
2. Every clan has to refresh their clandb entry so it will be true to the current clan status
3. Minimum allowed players per team during game is 3
3a. If there is more than 3 players on server minimum players required is 4
4. Maximum allowed players per team during game is 5 (no more)
5. During the Cup, each clan has 1 week ( 7 days ) deadline to play their matches.
6. Fixtures and Cup lists will be given after the sign-up's will be finished
7. All played games will be ranked : in Plusn Ranking
1. Punkbuster: 1
2. Pure: 1
3. xp_AntiCheatLevel 4
4. xp_antiWallhackLevel 1
5. Timelimit: 15
6. Fraglimit: 0
7. Friendly Fire: 0
8. xp_suddendeath: 1
9. xp_matchmode: 1
1. cl_timenudge: 0
2. seta rate: 25000
3. snaps between 30 and 125
4. cl_maxpackets between 60 and 125
1. Official FTAG war maps:
1. Any map from official FTAG war maps, if both clans agree!
2. Tie map can’t be played two times in the same match.
1. Match won 2 - 0 = 3 points
2. Match won 2 - 1 = 2 points
3. Match won by WO = 3 points
1. Match lost 0 - 2 = 0 points
2. Match lost 1 - 2 = 1 point
3. Match lost by WO = 0 points
1. Maximal amount of groups are 2.
2. In that Event Clans play one Clanwar until 2 won maps.
3. Two winning clans from each group go further so that means the clans which have the highest number of points.
4. In the event of two clans having the same amount of points, the deciding factor of who will pass on will be the result of the direct confrontation between the two clans.
6. Simply visit public forums and create a post.
7. If no official Referee availble, the clans can search for another neutral player.
7a. ( when both sides agree )
8. If a match isn't played within deadline there will be a WO.
9. If a clan doesn't reply = WO [use forums].
10. If a clan doesn't show up after 30 mins after set time = WO
10a. ( time set on forums )
11. If clan quits the Cup, every previous and further games considered as a lost by WO.
12. Loosing 2 games by WO in a row will succeed removing from the Cup.
13. Match winner must make a post - match report ( screenshots, demos, etc. )
14. Each clan has the right to take 2 timeouts per maps unless oponnent agree for more.
15. Every player who take a part in the Cup has to play under official team tag.
16. Every player who take a part in the Cup has to be prepaired to play with pb and pure.
17. Trial members of a Clan are not allowed to play a clanwar in this Cup.
18. Cheating and multiclaning is not allowed, Teams need to check enterys.
19. Prooven multiclaning or cheating = Clan is out of the Cup.
20. Clan Leader is responsible for Clan, he need to take care who is allowed to play and who`s not.
21. If a Clan has broken the rules and won there must be replayed the match.
22. Both clans have to plan a Replay of the Match in 1 week.
23. Date of post in "New Clan Members" counts as date to join.
1. Every match must be played under control of a referee.
2. Clans have to arranged with a referee, or post war details @ forums.
3. Referee can`t be referee match, if he`s a member of one of the clans participating in this match.
4. Referee should sort all difficults on the server and record the mvd`s during the match.
5. Clans have to listen to Referee`s orders and can not start the match until Referee allow to do it.
6. Clans have the duty to give the Referee the /ref password from the choosing server.
7. If clan recruits player during the Cup. The player is not able to play for the next 1 match. If both sides agree then he can play.
1. If some of the rules will be broken then the team which is responsible or both will receive a yellow card.
2. Two Yellow cards = Red card = Kick from the Cup
3. If some of the clans recruit a new player or make a Trial a full member and NOT post it on New clan Members then this player have to pause next 1 match + Yellow card for the team.
4. Screens have been taken from the current Team status with time/day and I post them below so we will have proofs if this violation will happen in the future.
1. FTC *WAR* Server #1 pass: cup, refpass: cupref15
2. Borg Team Pro player CTF pass: cup, refpass: cupref15
3. [Mr.]Slaughterbox 1v1 pass: beer, refpass: diablo3 (/ref cw on after cw please use /ref cw off)
4. [ terrorland ] pass: war, refpass: ?
5. FUN Server! pass: dswar, refpass: dsref5
Group A
Group B
Round 1 11 May 2015 - 24 May 2015
Round 2 25 May 2015 - 31 May 2015
Round 3 01 June 2015 - 07 June 2015
Round 4 08 June 2015 - 14 June 2015
Round 5 15 June 2015 - 28 June 2015
Semi-Final 29 June 2015 - 05 July 2015 [Group A winner with Group B vice leader]
Semi-Final 29 June 2015 - 05 July 2015 [Group B winner with Group A vice leader]
Final! 06 July 2015 - 12 July 2015
Alone In
Not sure if plus side is still alive, would wanna participate though
i am in, if some clan wanna hire me for this

i am in, if some clan wanna hire me for this
make a clan and ill join xd

i am in, if some clan wanna hire me for thismake a clan and ill join xd
consider it done! xd
Vendetta in.
Count eu in, we are currently making a "clan" for joining this event and deciding for a real name.
If any players would want to join us, sent me a PM!
eu. is searching for active / semi-active players who could play atleast once in a week! kontakt MEEEEE
Then make PlusN clan and join later after that.