Instagib Configuration
Hello guys,I've made my own Instagib configuration and it seems to work fine. However, I've got some questions.Is "\callvote conf instagib" the only way to load a configuration file? I do guess that there are more because it's huge mod. :DAlso, is there anyway to make the score count up without having to frag, i.e., getting hits on target, it would be great to create an Instaclean mod, great for practice! XD
By the way, if anyone wants to try it out, I've attached it here.To use the configuration, extract the config file from the archive and place it in the excessiveplus/cfg/ folder. Use this in the console while in-game to load it "\callvote conf instagib".
I'd be happy to hear more suggestions and corrections about the config.
"\load instagib.cfg" for singleplayer.
with ref or rcon "\ref load instagib.cfg" or "\rcon load instagib.cfg"

Hello guys,I've made my own Instagib configuration and it seems to work fine. However, I've got some questions.Is "\callvote conf instagib" the only way to load a configuration file? I do guess that there are more because it's huge mod. :DAlso, is there anyway to make the score count up without having to frag, i.e., getting hits on target, it would be great to create an Instaclean mod, great for practice! XD
By the way, if anyone wants to try it out, I've attached it here.To use the configuration, extract the config file from the archive and place it in the excessiveplus/cfg/ folder. Use this in the console while in-game to load it "\callvote conf instagib".I'd be happy to hear more suggestions and corrections about the config.
there is already one cfg called instagib.cfg, pls rename your new cfg and post the link there
people will check and give feedback
Thank you for the heads up. I certainly will.