InstaGib Freeze Tag League 2015
> Sign-up deadline: 29.05.2015
> League and Shedule announcement: 29.05.2015
> League start: 30.05.2015
> Minimum amount of Clans participating: 6
> Played mod: 2.3
> Played config: iFT.cfg >>> DOWNLOAD <<<
> Played gametype: Freeze Tag
>>> SCHEDULE <<<
> Every clan has to have their forums on
> Every clan has to refresh their clandb entry so it will be true to the current clan status.
> Minimum allowed players per team during game is 3.
> Maximum allowed players per team during game is how many players are available on the server if both clans agree.
> During the League , each Clan has 1 week (7 days) deadline to play their matches.
> Fixtures and League lists will be given after the sign-up's will be finished.
> All played games will be ranked in railonly ranked section.
> All games must be played, after the league is finished all unplayed matches are to be played untill everyone has played their games.
> Punkbuster: 1
> Pure: 1
> xp_AntiCheatLevel 4
> xp_antiWallhackLevel 0
> g_gametype: 8
> Timelimit: 15
> Fraglimit: 0
> Roundlimit: 0
> RoundTimeLimit: 0
> Friendly Fire: 0
> xp_suddendeath: 1
> xp_matchmode: 1
> cl_timenudge: 0
> seta rate: 25000
> snaps between 30 and 125
> cl_maxpackets between 60 and 125
>>> Map list:
> Tie has to be chosen based on rejecting one map by each clan, one map cannot be picked twice.
> Clan which has won the first map has priority for choosing the first map to be rejected.
> Non-rejected map has to be played as the tie map.
> Match won 2 - 0 = 3 points
> Match won 2 - 1 = 3 points
> Match lost 1 - 2 = 1 point
> Match lost 0 - 2 = 0 points
>>> RULES :
> Everyone is playing versus everyone.
> In this event clans play one clanwar until 2 maps are won.
> Referee / neutral player is needed.
> Simply visit public forums and create a post.
> If a match isnt played within deadline there will be a re-match when both clans find a suitable date or after the last game has been played.
> If a clan doesnt reply = 1 warning.
> If a clan doesnt show up after 30 minutes after set time on forum = 1 warning.
> If a clan quits the league, every previous and further games will be considered as a lost.
> Match winner must make a post - match report.
> Each clan has the right to take 2 timeouts per maps unless opponent agrees for more.
> Every player who takes part in this league has to play under official clan tag or official white tag.
> Every player who takes part in this league has to be prepared to play with PB and pure.
> Trial members of a clan are not allowed to play a clanwar in this league.
> Cheating and multiclaning is not allowed, clans need to check the entries.
> Proven multiclaning or cheating = player is out of the league.
> If clan is aware of this = clan out from the league.
> Clan leader is responsible for the clan, he or she needs to take care of who is allowed to play and who`s not.
> If a clan has broken the rules and won, the match must be replayed.
> Both clans have to plan a replay of the match in 1 week or after the last match from this league.
> Date of post in "New Clan Members" counts as date to join.
> Every match must be played under control of a referee or neutral player.
> Clans have to arranged with a referee/neutral player or post war details at the forums.
> Referee can`t be reffing the match, if he or she is a member of one of the clans participating in that match.
> Referee should sort all difficulties on the server and record the mvd`s during the match.
> Clans have to listen to Referee`s orders and can not start the match until referee allows it.
> Clans have the duty to give the referee the /ref password from the choosing server.
> If a Clan recruits a player during the league. The player is not able to play for the next 1 match. If both sides agree then the player can play.
> If a rules is to be broken then the clan which is responsible or both will receive a yellow card.
> 2 warnings -> 1 yellow card.
> 2 yellow cards -> red card -> Out of the League.
: bad behavior on previous events.
Kuperon: bad behavior.
Teq: bad behavior.
Baxter: receiving a yellow card for proven multiclanning. (link)
5. [clan]Mortal Kombat Clan[/clan]
> Round I: 01 June 2015 - 07 June 2015
> Round II: 08 June 2015 - 14 June 2015
> Round III: 15 June 2015 - 21 June 2015
> Round IV: 22 June 2015 - 28 June 2015
> Round V: 29 June 2015 - 05 July 2015
> Round VI: 06 July 2015 - 12 July 2015
> Round VII: 13 July 2015 - 19 July 2015
> Round VIII: 20 July 2015 - 26 July 2015
> Round IX: 27 July 2015 - 01 August 2015
12.06.2015 || is getting a yellow card for refusing to play. (link)
04.07.2015 || is getting a yellow card for proven multiclanning. (link)
04.07.2015 || is out of the league. (2 yellow cards -> red card -> out of the league)
04.07.2015 || Player Baxter (aka [TwT]Roccotto, aka MK*Jax) is getting a yellow card for proven multiclanning. (link)
12.07.2015 || is removed from the league as requested by clan leader.
Did you seriously just steal my event post...

Did you seriously just steal my event post...
ban entire clan intel, and i will join the league where they will not participate, and other clean clans should do the same!

Did you seriously just steal my event post...
Did you wrote your event post by yourself or stole from someone else?

Did you seriously just steal my event post...Did you wrote your event post by yourself or stole from someone else?
I did look on other event topics and picked out things wich I would concider a good choice of rules, then I actually wrote down things myself before posting and not just steal a topic and change on the fly like this fool if you mean that
i have only few suggestions:
1) Don't make the map pool so huge, it will be hard to eliminate if 3rd map need (7 maps is the best value in my eyes).
2) Point system = win should be 3 points no matter 2-1 or 2-0... otherwise you can witness the clan who won everyone and still not first cause of this silly point system that you have at this moment. The score 2-1 benefits the loser only in tie situation between 2 teams who have equal amount of points.
3) Make a play off stage - something like 4 top clans fighting in play offs. 1st clan vs 4th and 2nd vs 3rd, then final. It gives teams chance for the comeback even though they lost some points during the group stage = makes group stage more interesting because teams will fight for all 4 spots.
Config overall is good and enjoyable to play.

Did you seriously just steal my event post...
I do not like both of them

Did you seriously just steal my event post...I do not like both of them
copy mine and make it your own
in! let the Quake party goes on!
You can view IFT.cfg ! ! ! RUS-RAIL-INSTAGIB-FREEZE ! ! !