Old generation ?
I am just curious who still playing from old school. I am thinking to play again Q3 E+.
So, I will be probably back to play if find out that at least 30 guys which I know still playing.
Please post here boys and girls. Who is here ?
well, anyway, beside me, still many of the old players, even those before 2005 are still active. Also ur friend HQ, but with a totally different alter-ego now, lets say he took distance.
Well, those who actaully still pretty much active, which i remind right now, Marcus, Laktos, Mona, kaktus, Doctor, Mirwar, Homix, Flash, Riku, IZ, Flame, Xab, Deky, Nosia, Fate, Syntax, MixerX, MNC, DEN, Skullhead, Rixo, Mistress. I bet there are way more, i just dont remember atm.
oldschool = started playing not after 2006. ?!
30 is a bit much..but gl cu "inside"
I'm still here oldskool or not
me 3
rena, we re still oldschool... but you know our side is e5... so one day if you wanna try you re welcome to servers called "BORG"
Dude, just go and play if you want to. What difference does it make how many 'old' players are still around, everyone fakenicks anyway.

Dude, just go and play if you want to. What difference does it make how many 'old' players are still around, everyone fakenicks anyway.
So true. I have memories of some great 1v1s, epic matches where I had NO IDEA WHO I WAS PLAYING AGAINST because so many people are afraid to show their real name unless they win over 9000 games in a row :roll: I don't care, I just troll under my most-known name and don't care at all BTW Rena check MR, C4, Hyper, Evol, and X-Fusion clandb entries, you will see many familiar names. Even Tass is in X-Fusion.
Yeah man, exactly! Maybe it is different nowadays (though i seriously doubt it) but when i was still doing the odd pub now and again, not a game went by without me thinking "who the fuck is Nektar? Who is that guy with the red fading cross? The hell does "qp" even mean? Why is this shrubbery guy talking to me, who are you? FUCK YOU HELLBRO JEW." etc.
Towards the end i started faking too.
Still here....