q3config.cfg trouble

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APOLLO's picture
Joined: Oct 2010

I have trouble with my q3config.cfg Sad
I wanna change some things in it - I can do that and the changes are also saved.
BUT when I start q3, I have the old q3config.cfg (without changes).
WHY?? I saved the new q3config.cfg to the baseq3 and e+ folder!! But my Q3 starts with the old 1 Sad
I also tryed to start Q3 without q3config.cfg
I deleted the .cfg from baseq3 and e+ folder -> every1 knows: if someone do that Q3 makes a new 1 ==> BUT NOT my Q3!! WHY??
It's starts with NO q3config.cfg in baseq3 and e+ folder!?!? BUT have the DELETED q3config.cfg!!!!!
do you have any ideas?

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smasherchif's picture
Joined: Oct 2009
Re: q3config.cfg trouble

this cfg is static, i.e. it resides in mod's pk3 and is always loaded from there. to use changed version, copy the cfg under different name, make changes and load it specifying that different name you chose.

disregard that, confused title lol Big grin

.aNk/xXxp4l/:bR.Shady'XYN! wrote:
Fuck! I just thought of the most awesome pun about the BC vs Smurfs final game and the flames that followed :
"In Soviet Moldavia, Pole rages YOU"
like 2 months after Call me

3M'darkangel wrote:
// 09:30:49 27.06.2010, UNKNOWN LOCATION,
Name { "Biotoxin" }
IP { "localhost" }

SHUDDER wrote:
People are training hard to hide their autoshoot so well while gain enough skills to win (or at least compete on similar level) without them. This is getting insane or provoked. I feel like I would cut myself with Ockham's Razor if I claim a cheat there.

Joined: Jul 2007
DE Germany
Re: q3config.cfg trouble

if your config is bigger than 16 KB it will be overwhriten.

Rayden was here
georgekotz's picture
Joined: May 2010
GR Greece
Re: q3config.cfg trouble

I had the same problem. I am sure you use Windows 7 64bit.
Well your conf its hidden somewhere on your PC

Mines was here
C://Users/George/Appdata/local/Vitualstore/Program files (x86)/Quake3 arena

In there Windows saved demos, screenshots, cfgs etc..

I thing you didnt even see your screenshots or your demos right?

If this not your problem give me more info to see what i can do.

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APOLLO's picture
Joined: Oct 2010
Re: q3config.cfg trouble

thank u all Happy
my cfg is just 13,9 kb
I use win 7 64 bit
and RAYDEN, u are my problem-solver Happy
this f*****g win 7 64 bit
Thank u all for your
rapid responses Happy


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Rayden was here
georgekotz's picture
Joined: May 2010
GR Greece
Re: q3config.cfg trouble

np any time

Real life is more important then Virtual life
Dont forget that

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
Re: q3config.cfg trouble

However, if u change something save it as "autoexec.cfg" and put it in ur baseq3 folder.

Why people never learn that...

APOLLO's picture
Joined: Oct 2010
Re: q3config.cfg trouble
mow Q [EN] wrote:

However, if u change something save it as "autoexec.cfg" and put it in ur baseq3 folder.

Why people never learn that...

as always Qordis, from you unnecessary Tongue
and besides, your stupid suggestion does not help in this case. Tongue
EPSI, please CLOSE this topic. it's solved Winking

We do not stop playing because we grow old;
we grow old because we stop playing.
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Those who do not get along have only themselves to blame.


mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
Re: q3config.cfg trouble

I was not up to offend you, the last sentence was a general statement.

It would help, since q3 loads a autoexec.cfg automatically and overwrites whatever u have in ur q3config.cfg, no matter where ur q3config.cfg is saved.

The biggest advantage of an autoexec.cfg, it is much easier to design it, and commands are much easier to find. Q3 doesn't overwrite it again and again. So u can add explanations, give it structure etc.

hook's picture
Joined: Mar 2008
Re: q3config.cfg trouble
mow Q [EN] wrote:

The biggest advantage of an autoexec.cfg, it is much easier to design it, and commands are much easier to find. Q3 doesn't overwrite it again and again. So u can add explanations, give it structure etc.

full agree!its much easier to handle it!

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Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
Re: q3config.cfg trouble

the only disadvantage are the latched commands and that whenever you need to change something, you need to open your autoexec.cfg and enter it manually? Tongue

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