Q3FAN! not used cheats! Evidence here!
I have a yellow card and ban on 6 months!
Reason for the ban detection 02-December-2011 variable "s66AS_on 1" in the q3config.cfg, that activates Auto-Shooter.
Proof that I am not a cheater watch below!
Here seen my presence on the server 23 seconds, and also that the server was working "pure".
This means that s66AS.pk3 (Auto-Shooter) not detected!
Confirm this can be it here: E+ Rail Tournament v2. Trickz 2:0 Blackfx
Now I want to tell you where it came from a variable "s66AS_on 1"
I downloaded a game for more than two years ago from a site:
It says here that the file is uploaded to the site 13-December-2007
After what happened with me, i began to search for variable, and found its in folder "C:\Program Files\Quake3\BaseQ3", in the file "q3config"
Also variable has been found in the plural in the archive that I downloaded more than two years ago with the above site
Areas circled in red, in the file "q3config.cfg"
All this means that I have no relationship to the establishment of this variable, which was found up in my files!
Also means that I have played many games on a secure pb and pure server, the problem arose because of the special pb RSQT servers.
Respected Ranking Moderators, beg You check my information, and reconsider my ban!
Sincerely Quake3 Fun!
only GOD can forgive you for your sins dear child
like i said before, i never saw some AMAZING AWESOME SUSPICIOUS SHOTS from Q3FAN.
I hope you ll get unban. Gl man!
1st some mins are checking.. also is with pb and pure its everything around 1 min..after 1 min its kick some1 if smth is wrong
but anyway if u even downloaded quake 3 two years ago , you could add this 1 week ago.. 2 weeks ago 1 month ago etc
I'm downloading that q3 version now, will see if its in there
takes me +1 hour with 150 kb

I'm downloading that q3 version now, will see if its in there
takes me +1 hour with 150 kb
i downloaded and its there :]
im for giving him just a yellow card, not a red one.

like i said before, i never saw some AMAZING AWESOME SUSPICIOUS SHOTS from Q3FAN.
I hope you ll get unban. Gl man!
also i never saw any unhuman games from side of q3fan. even more. he was spectating many games witch pure and PB turned on. i hope it is just kid of mistake and he will able back to playing with yellow card in matches.
voice of community D: unban

I'm downloading that q3 version now, will see if its in theretakes me +1 hour with 150 kb
i downloaded and its there :]
Ok then i'm gonna cancel that download and trust you.
nowhere in the description does not mention that this archive contains a hack.