QuakeLive Insta Config v1.8

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hook's picture
Joined: Mar 2008

i want present you the QuakeLIve Insta Config v1.8 Beta Test!
Feels alot smoother in movement!

Changelog Arrow qlinsta 1.8

changelog in config :
- ADD: $pmove_rampjump = 1;  
- ADD: $pmove_accurate = 1; (thx hard1ovely)
- ADD: $g_knockback = 55; (thx hard1ovely)
- Respawn Time -> Respawn Time Suicide  from = 1 to 1.7; 
- Teleport Thaw -> from = 1 to 0; 
- Thaw Distance -> from = 126 to 96; (original quakelive settings) 
and some FTAG Times
- Slithery -> from = no to yes;
- Weapons Knockback -> 850;- AntiCamp Time -> from = 15 to 14; 
- AntiCamp Damage -> from = 15 to 30; 
- $g_forcerespawn -> from = 5.0 to 1;

Changelog 30.12.2012 Arrow qlinsta 1.8
- ADD: Team Knockback = 0; (thx hard1ovely)
- ADD: Original QuakeLive Settings:
- ADD: Clanarena Support
- ADD: Clanarena Spawnprotection
- ADD: Round Support: for -> Clanarena and Freeze Tag

Warmup Respawn = 0;
if ($g_gametype == GT_CA)
Reset Flags = RESET_ALL;
Warmup = 4;
else if ($g_gametype == GT_FTAG)
Warmup = 4;
Mode = 0;
Reset Flags = RESET_NONE;
Warmup = 0;

In Clanarena and Freezetag you have now Mode = MODE_WARMUP;
and a  Warmup Time = 4...3...2...1 Fight inclusive a centerprint command with the Rounds Number

Changelog HOTFIX : 30.12.2012 Arrow qlinsta 1.8
- ADD: Round Support is now optional!

if ( $xp_warmup  != 1) $xp_warmup  = 0;

if ( $xp_warmup == 0 ) {
else if ( $xp_warmup == 1 ) {
		include( "ql/warmup.cfg" );

now you have in this cfg a seperate ql folder with a included warmup.cfg

xp_warmup 1 = (enabled and include this warmup.cfg -> Default is 1)

xp_warmup 0 =  (disabled and set normal Rounds settings)

Changelog Hotfix : 02.01.2013 Arrow qlinsta 1.8

- FIX : $g_forcerespawn = 2.9;
- ADD: Round Delay = 3; -> Freeze Tag
- ADD: Slithery is now optional

if ($xp_slithery != 1) $xp_slithery = 0;

if ($xp_slithery == 1)		
slithery = yes;	
slithery = no;

xp_slithery 1 = (enabled and include slithery effect -> Default is 1)

xp_slithery 0 = (disabled and set normal effect)

Changelog Hotfix : 03.01.2013 Arrow qlinsta 1.8

- FIX Movement : $pmove_accurate = 0;

Changelog : 20.01.2013 Arrow qlinsta 1.8

changelog in config :
you can read about $pmove_accurate

- ADD: $pmove_accurate = 125;
- Description : This will effectively make all players jump as high and far as if they had125 fps even when their actual fps is lower or unstable

- Change in Freeze Tag : Thaw Distance = 96 to 112;
- Description : 
More action on public servers and a good way for Fast Thaw Tactics on wars!


Here the Attachment File for the newest version-> be free to use it!
UPDATED 20.01.2013 / TIME: 21:55

Login or register to view attached files

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trb's picture
Joined: Jul 2010
HU Hungary
Re: QuakeLive Insta Config v1.8

I will give it a try tomorrow. Nice idea to make a qlinsta ffa server hope it gets attention.

silence is better than bullshit

Thor-NL's picture
Joined: Jan 2011
NL Netherlands
Re: QuakeLive Insta Config v1.8

Played it this night, first impression is very nice Big grin

Feels more direct and acurate .... will try it some more tomorrow Winking

Compliments Aphyx and hrd Happy


The whole world is searching for Waldo...
In Soviet Russia, Waldo finds YOU !

xvibenedykt's picture
Joined: Jul 2008
PL Poland
Re: QuakeLive Insta Config v1.8

looks perfect and easy. need another month of playing on it to give suggestions Tongue atm it fits to me 100%. comfortable config.

Alpha.Dot's picture
Joined: Jan 2011
Re: QuakeLive Insta Config v1.8

It is definitely hard to see difference with FFA while all important changes about FTAG.

btw, Slithery supposed to be Yes if g_knockback = 55;

Also when frozen body goin through teleport it's even more unexpected result than thaw, here i would not make changes until needed feature will be implemented in e+ code.

How FTAG sets and others settings were promoted originaly in fixed version:

Freeze Tag {
	Thaw Time = -1;
	Self Thaw Time = 90;
	Water Thaw Time = 60;
	Lava Thaw Time = Slime Thaw Time = 5;
	Void Thaw Time = 10;
	Crushed Thaw Time = 0;
	Thaw Distance = 96;
	Thaw Score = 1;
	Teleport Thaw = 1;
	Damage Thaw = 0;
	Teamkill Freeze = no;
	Movable = yes;
	Solid = no;
	Slithery = yes;

As well to change log, were disabled team shooting by railgun and changed railgun knockback to 850 as well as gauntlet to keep balance with a low g_knockback 55;

Weapon settings:

Gauntlet {
	Cycle = 400;
	Damage = 1000;
	Knockback = 850;
	Team Knockback = 850;
	Weight = 1.0;
	Firing Weight = 1.0;

Railgun {
        Ammo = 0;
        AmmoLimit = 999;
        Cycle = 1500;
        Damage = 1000;
        Splash Damage = 0;
        Regen = no;
        Radius = no;
        Bounce = no;
        Sky = no;
        Weight = 1.0;
        Knockback = 850;
        Team Knockback = 0;
        Self Knockback = 0;
        Firing Knockback = 0;

To all server owners, if you have loaded qlinsta 1.8 and then you load plusN for example, you have to set g_knockback back to default value manualy, or result will be a broken knockback settings in current config.

trb's picture
Joined: Jul 2010
HU Hungary
Re: QuakeLive Insta Config v1.8

i would disable air control now movement is more like cpm not like vq3

silence is better than bullshit

hook's picture
Joined: Mar 2008
Re: QuakeLive Insta Config v1.8
hrd wrote:

It is definitely hard to see difference with FFA while all important changes about FTAG.

btw, Slithery supposed to be Yes if g_knockback = 55;

Also when frozen body goin through teleport it's even more unexpected result than thaw, here i would not make changes until needed feature will be implemented in e+ code.

How FTAG sets and others settings were promoted originaly in fixed version:

Freeze Tag {
	Thaw Time = -1;
	Self Thaw Time = 90;
	Water Thaw Time = 60;
	Lava Thaw Time = Slime Thaw Time = 5;
	Void Thaw Time = 10;
	Crushed Thaw Time = 0;
	Thaw Distance = 96;
	Thaw Score = 1;
	Teleport Thaw = 1;
	Damage Thaw = 0;
	Teamkill Freeze = no;
	Movable = yes;
	Solid = no;
	Slithery = yes;

As well to change log, were disabled team shooting by railgun and changed railgun knockback to 850 as well as gauntlet to keep balance with a low g_knockback 55;

Weapon settings:

Gauntlet {
	Cycle = 400;
	Damage = 1000;
	Knockback = 850;
	Team Knockback = 850;
	Weight = 1.0;
	Firing Weight = 1.0;
Railgun {
        Ammo = 0;
        AmmoLimit = 999;
        Cycle = 1500;
        Damage = 1000;
        Splash Damage = 0;
        Regen = no;
        Radius = no;
        Bounce = no;
        Sky = no;
        Weight = 1.0;
        Knockback = 850;
        Team Knockback = 0;
        Self Knockback = 0;
        Firing Knockback = 0;

To all server owners, if you have loaded qlinsta 1.8 and then you load plusN for example, you have to set g_knockback back to default value manualy, or result will be a broken knockback settings in current config.

look into attachment cfg hard! look deeper!i not change all what you had in your cfg!
you can callvote also ftag on that server! slithery yes isnt goodin qli! and without g_knockback its not a big different as v1.7!

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Alpha.Dot's picture
Joined: Jan 2011
Re: QuakeLive Insta Config v1.8

I looked Tongue and there is what i wrote above, you have original file which i uploaded yesterday and there all needed fixes to main things in config, which are different to config you uploaded here

Alpha.Dot's picture
Joined: Jan 2011
Re: QuakeLive Insta Config v1.8
outofhere! wrote:

hrd wrote:
It is definitely hard to see difference with FFA while all important changes about FTAG.

btw, Slithery supposed to be Yes if g_knockback = 55;

Also when frozen body goin through teleport it's even more unexpected result than thaw, here i would not make changes until needed feature will be implemented in e+ code.

How FTAG sets and others settings were promoted originaly in fixed version:

Freeze Tag {
	Thaw Time = -1;
	Self Thaw Time = 90;
	Water Thaw Time = 60;
	Lava Thaw Time = Slime Thaw Time = 5;
	Void Thaw Time = 10;
	Crushed Thaw Time = 0;
	Thaw Distance = 96;
	Thaw Score = 1;
	Teleport Thaw = 1;
	Damage Thaw = 0;
	Teamkill Freeze = no;
	Movable = yes;
	Solid = no;
	Slithery = yes;

As well to change log, were disabled team shooting by railgun and changed railgun knockback to 850 as well as gauntlet to keep balance with a low g_knockback 55;

Weapon settings:

Gauntlet {
	Cycle = 400;
	Damage = 1000;
	Knockback = 850;
	Team Knockback = 850;
	Weight = 1.0;
	Firing Weight = 1.0;
Railgun {
        Ammo = 0;
        AmmoLimit = 999;
        Cycle = 1500;
        Damage = 1000;
        Splash Damage = 0;
        Regen = no;
        Radius = no;
        Bounce = no;
        Sky = no;
        Weight = 1.0;
        Knockback = 850;
        Team Knockback = 0;
        Self Knockback = 0;
        Firing Knockback = 0;

To all server owners, if you have loaded qlinsta 1.8 and then you load plusN for example, you have to set g_knockback back to default value manualy, or result will be a broken knockback settings in current config.

look into attachment cfg hard! look deeper!i not change all what you had in your cfg!
you can callvote also ftag on that server! slithery yes isnt in qli! and without g_knockback its not a big different as v1.7!

original QL has slithery On, this feature was copyed to e+ execly from QL, and one of purpose of this config is keep slithery with common sense of knockback, which was broken and now is fixed

hook's picture
Joined: Mar 2008
Re: QuakeLive Insta Config v1.8
hrd wrote:

outofhere! wrote:
hrd wrote:
It is definitely hard to see difference with FFA while all important changes about FTAG.

btw, Slithery supposed to be Yes if g_knockback = 55;

Also when frozen body goin through teleport it's even more unexpected result than thaw, here i would not make changes until needed feature will be implemented in e+ code.

How FTAG sets and others settings were promoted originaly in fixed version:

Freeze Tag {
	Thaw Time = -1;
	Self Thaw Time = 90;
	Water Thaw Time = 60;
	Lava Thaw Time = Slime Thaw Time = 5;
	Void Thaw Time = 10;
	Crushed Thaw Time = 0;
	Thaw Distance = 96;
	Thaw Score = 1;
	Teleport Thaw = 1;
	Damage Thaw = 0;
	Teamkill Freeze = no;
	Movable = yes;
	Solid = no;
	Slithery = yes;

As well to change log, were disabled team shooting by railgun and changed railgun knockback to 850 as well as gauntlet to keep balance with a low g_knockback 55;

Weapon settings:

Gauntlet {
	Cycle = 400;
	Damage = 1000;
	Knockback = 850;
	Team Knockback = 850;
	Weight = 1.0;
	Firing Weight = 1.0;

Railgun {
        Ammo = 0;
        AmmoLimit = 999;
        Cycle = 1500;
        Damage = 1000;
        Splash Damage = 0;
        Regen = no;
        Radius = no;
        Bounce = no;
        Sky = no;
        Weight = 1.0;
        Knockback = 850;
        Team Knockback = 0;
        Self Knockback = 0;
        Firing Knockback = 0;

To all server owners, if you have loaded qlinsta 1.8 and then you load plusN for example, you have to set g_knockback back to default value manualy, or result will be a broken knockback settings in current config.

look into attachment cfg hard! look deeper!i not change all what you had in your cfg!
you can callvote also ftag on that server! slithery yes isnt in qli! and without g_knockback its not a big different as v1.7!

original QL has slithery On, this feature was copyed to e+ execly from QL, and one of purpuse of this config is keep slithery with common sense of knockback, which was broken and now fixed

i will make a update today and update testserver!

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mzi's picture
Joined: Apr 2010
Re: QuakeLive Insta Config v1.8
thomasyea wrote:

i would disable air control now movement is more like cpm not like vq3

Yes. I tried to play first on qlinsta 1.8 on asphys's server and then i went to quake live. its strange but i feel more cpm physics here.