®R.C.A.L 2014 /R8/ Mi3 2-0 AMG
1. q3dm2 (mi3 map) - 20 - 19
2. q3dm8 (amg map) - 18 - 14
Gametype: CA
Players: 3v3
Timelimit: 15
FriendlyFire: Off
Server: -C4- War Server
PB: On
Pure: On
Config: r4eCA.cfg
Ref: Klatwa - thx.
On second map 2 mins before end one of AMG player ragequit. Hope jeffer will give them some warning for that.
Also that was second time when we set a date for cw. First time they didn't had players for game. Today was only 3 players of AMG.
gg all
nice mi3
gg i see
pusik/pussy run
the CW will be ranked for sure, it is now the second time, while AMG having an yellow card already for such action, this time only one run away, if it was more then one, whole clan would have red card and been banned from every ranked games + leagues for some time, guess they knew that thats why they doesnt left with him, gg

pusik/pussy run
the CW will be ranked for sure, it is now the second time, while AMG having an yellow card already for such action, this time only one run away, if it was more then one, whole clan would have red card and been banned from every ranked games + leagues for some time, guess they knew that thats why they doesnt left with him, gg
yes, give ban, and only 3 active clan will play cups. hf

yes, give ban, and only 3 active clan will play cups. hf
Hm, since when ragequiting on cws are the kind of good thing? That's a punishable offence and I'd rather not to play cw at all than waste a lot of time on preparing and see noobs leaving during it.
I think the ranking mod should give a second yellow card because the clan leader quited 2 mins before time. I think a clan leader counts heavier then a normal player for punishment. I rather have 1 clan less to play then to play against quiters and really waste time of others. So cml and rank staff, pls reconsider the punishent and do the right thing.
I can give a warning / yellow card for the league, but thats all i can do.
I think the real punishment should be from ranking as it counts also heavier then a league.
GG mi3 and gg for the non quiters this game.

pusik/pussy run
the CW will be ranked for sure, it is now the second time, while AMG having an yellow card already for such action, this time only one run away, if it was more then one, whole clan would have red card and been banned from every ranked games + leagues for some time, guess they knew that thats why they doesnt left with him, gg
D4PUSIK---> BAN--->wait 2 years--->Kuperon--->///AMG///Kuperon--->BAN???
Everything is predetermined...
D4SHADOW---> BAN--->wait 2 years--->GREEN--->mi3green--->BAN???
Everything is predetermined...
Kuperon your nick name got a new meaning now:
kuperon: to escape (from), to run/get away
I kuperoned from a party because everybody laughed at me.
Other examples :
-He was so mad when Chester stole his toy that he kuperoned and broke down in tears.
-One day it was just enough, he couldn't bear it any longer and kuperoned away from the city.
"You can't kuperon away from me."
Or even
-When he realised he was loosing hard and not even close to get back on track he just said fuck you and kuperoned like a simple minded prick.