®R.F.L.2013 - R6// sNeAkY 2 : 0 pTs // 14.11. 2013
.:: 1st map: overkill (sNeAkY's map) ::.
13 - 12
.:: 2nd map: cpm14 (pTs's map) ::.
22 - 14
.:: Gametype: FTAG 4vs4 ::.
.:: Timelimit: 15 ::.
.:: Fraglimit: 0 ::.
.:: FriendlyFire: 0 ::.
.:: Config: Fast Rail v1.0a ::.
.:: Pure: Enabled ::.
.:: Punkbuster: Enabled ::.
.:: Server: Mi3 -WAR- Server!::.
.:: Ref+: ::.
GGs! Thanks for comments about my mother Jeff. Nice sportsmanship.
gg's was close.
An well done to all sneakies for winning cup

GGs! Thanks for comments about my mother Jeff. Nice sportsmanship.
Do a zidane headbutt on him xd
@fps: who are u trying to annoy this time?Lolz dont answer and try to be more original in future comments.
Less trashtalk, more politeness.

@fps: who are u trying to annoy this time?Lolz dont answer and try to be more original in future comments.
Sorry I'm not the excuseboy like you XD
U lil retard xd i said we lost because of me and gave an explanation why. Excuse would be if i would say i had cold hands, head ache, lags, fps drops (dead xd) and party in next room, etc. Keep on trying, maybe call Milena to help you annoy me, she has got a talent xd

U lil retard xd i said we lost because of me and gave an explanation why. Excuse would be if i would say i had cold hands, head ache, lags, fps drops (dead xd) and party in next room, etc. Keep on trying, maybe call Milena to help you annoy me, she has got a talent xd
yes yes, whatever. good boy.