®Rail Cup/fps 2:1 darkangel/ 15.11.10
.:: Game for rail launcher cup
.:: 1st (darkangel map) q3dm17 (banana.cfg): 40:37 for darkangel
.:: 2nd (fps map) q3dm2 (banana.cfg) : 23:15 for fps
.:: 3rd (TIE map) fr3dm1 (banana.cfg) : 12:11 for fps
.:: Gametype: Tournament
.:: Timelimit: 6
.:: Fraglimit: 0
.:: Pure: Enabled
.:: Punkbuster: Enabled
.:: Reffre: Natali ( thx )
Awesome games! Awesome tie map! Sudden death up to 2 minutes! GGG!
yeah was realy realy great game ))
and f that jumpad on tiemap xD
i never had 3 minuts of sudden death :DDDDD
just awesome )
thx for the game fps
revange coming soon
wow darky you suck?

wow darky you suck?

wow darky you suck?
haha :DDD lol
GG FPS and Darky:p
Next time Darky<3
hehe n1 fps! i think u win next time u rock's.
gg u both ......tomorrow our fight in the next round ....i hope will be a great fight

wow darky you suck?
nop, but Fps is sNeAkY...
well played mate!
and awesome sudden of death on tie map
P.S. gg Darky too