®Rail/ FPS 2:0 CHE)I(OK
9. December 2012 - 14:28
:: Game for RailDeal Cup
.:: 1st (fps map) q3dm17: 47:27: for fps
.:: 2nd (CHE)I(OK map) q3tourney6 : 39:19 for fps
.:: Server: [zmb war server]
.:: Gametype: Tournament
.:: Timelimit: 5
.:: Fraglimit: 0
.:: Pure: Enabled
.:: Punkbuster: Enabled
.:: Reffre: JEFFREY ( thx! )
GG! Thx for games
9. December 2012 - 14:39
Re: Rail/ FPS 2:0 CHE)I(OK
9. December 2012 - 14:50
Re: Rail/ FPS 2:0 CHE)I(OK
Same accuracy on both maps. Interesting!
9. December 2012 - 15:35
Re: Rail/ FPS 2:0 CHE)I(OK
9. December 2012 - 16:33
Re: Rail/ FPS 2:0 CHE)I(OK

Same accuracy on both maps. Interesting!
Yup I have to agree as this deems to be very interesting. Can you explain please fps?
9. December 2012 - 16:43
Re: Rail/ FPS 2:0 CHE)I(OK

Same accuracy on both maps. Interesting!Yup I have to agree as this deems to be very interesting. Can you explain please fps?
ye thats wird coincidence
9. December 2012 - 17:32
Re: Rail/ FPS 2:0 CHE)I(OK
9. December 2012 - 20:31
Re: Rail/ FPS 2:0 CHE)I(OK
Tournament starts 10-12?
10. December 2012 - 5:35
Re: Rail/ FPS 2:0 CHE)I(OK
10. December 2012 - 9:58
Re: Rail/ FPS 2:0 CHE)I(OK

Tournament starts 10-12?
It has already started