®RTFC / Dunno? 2:0 RIFF / 03.10.10
3. October 2010 - 21:02
Game for first round RTFCup.
.:: 1st map: q3dm7
Dunno? 28 - 3 RIFF
.:: 2nd map: cpm9
Dunno? 22 - 11 RIFF
.:: Gametype: TAG 4vs4
.:: Timelimit: 15
.::Fraglimit: 0
.:: FriendlyFire: 0
.:: Config: bananarail.cfg
.:: Pure: enabled
.:: Punkbuster: enabled
.:: Server: MR War server.
.:: Referee: Dark Angel
Thx Dark for reffing. GG both!
And gratz Dunno? with its 1st cw
3. October 2010 - 21:04
Re: RTFC / Dunno? 2:0 RIFF
3. October 2010 - 21:10
Re: RTFC / Dunno? 2:0 RIFF / 03.10.10
3. October 2010 - 21:14
Re: RTFC / Dunno? 2:0 RIFF / 03.10.10
gg still wondering if ATWA got back her skill ^^
3. October 2010 - 21:52
Re: RTFC / Dunno? 2:0 RIFF / 03.10.10
3. October 2010 - 22:16
Re: RTFC / Dunno? 2:0 RIFF / 03.10.10
3. October 2010 - 22:56
Re: RTFC / Dunno? 2:0 RIFF / 03.10.10
gg both!
- who won?
- Dunno
3. October 2010 - 23:31
Re: RTFC / Dunno? 2:0 RIFF / 03.10.10

gg both!
- who won?
- Dunno____________
yes 2-0
3. October 2010 - 23:50
Re: RTFC / Dunno? 2:0 RIFF / 03.10.10
GG TurboMegaDunnoKaki
4. October 2010 - 0:02
Re: RTFC / Dunno? 2:0 RIFF / 03.10.10
4. October 2010 - 0:15
Re: RTFC / Dunno? 2:0 RIFF / 03.10.10
"I got a deathwish, that's why I talk so much fucking shit"