®RTFC // r2 2:1 *sNeAkY* // 21.11.2010
Game for 2nd RTFCup.
.:: 1st map: q3dm7
R2 13 - 16 *sNeAkY*
.:: 2nd map: overkill
R2 20 - 12 *sNeAkY*
.:: tie map: poq3dm5
R2 12 - 10 *sNeAkY*
.:: Gametype: TAG 4vs4
.:: Timelimit: 15
.::Fraglimit: 0
.:: FriendlyFire: 0
.:: Config: bananarail.cfg
.:: Pure: enabled
.:: Punkbuster: enabled
.:: Server: r2'-War-Server
.:: Referee: impulse
nice war like always... n1 r2
We win next cup

We win next cup
GG r2
good luck & have fun with your next games
gg r2 and welcome to the next stage of cup : )
dont worry sneaky clan, you will have your next oportunity to win cup in the next event : ) dont get down in moral, you maked a great work, good luck in future.

gg r2 and welcome to the next stage of cup : )
dont worry sneaky clan, you will have your next oportunity to win cup in the next event : ) dont get down in moral, you maked a great work, good luck in future.
i not worry about cup. i told to atrax before few days. i want get out of cup. and yea, i know next cup is soon so who knows...
MVD -> http://www.mediafire.com/?s1c6ek1aru4dd16
and for r2:
- Clans or teams have to listen to referee's orders and can not start the match until referee allow to do it ;
gg thx for fun game, and i dont know where i was on tie
why you write it to us...
all typed "\ready" and game was began
nice game sneaky
thx for refing Impulse