RTFC* >RSQT< 1:2 vs {PSY} / 09.10.2010
played a clan war vs
Clan in freeze tag on RTFC Cup.
.:: 1st map: dm7 ::.
12 : 13
******** .:: pick by .::
.:: 2nd map: dm8 ::.
18 : 14
******** .:: pick by .::
.:: tiemap: poq3dm5 ::.
.:: Gametype: TAG 3vs3 ::.
.:: Timelimit: 15 ::.
.:: Fraglimit: 0 ::.
.:: FriendlyFire: 0 ::.
.:: Config: bananarail.cfg ::.
.:: Pure: Enabled ::.
.:: Punkbuster: Enabled ::.
.:: Server: [!B@N@N@LAND] ::.
.:: Ref+: Asphyx ::.
.:: Stream+: nobody this time ::.
.:: MVD: LINK ::. http://www.speedyshare.com/files/24621897/RSQTvsPSY.rar
.:: Screenshots: .::
.:: 1st map: dm7 ::.
.:: 2nd map: dm8 ::.
.:: tiemap: poq3dm5 ::.
.:: Comments: .::
.:: GOOD GAME: .:: .:: and .::
I know winner need to post results but i think there are lazy and i have time in the morning
GG and well played both but please next time be better prepaired for the game.
Some problems in the beginning and in the tiemap but anyway both clans played a good clanwar..
good work PSY!!

Thx Asphyx to be ref+
thnx aspx 4 ref
hehe gg
and asphyx copy pasted all colors from my post!!! stoler!!!!
good work psy! damn if i play we can win all 3 maps aww damn! stupid bro! dont let me play :DD hrhrr
but gg RSQT nice ss =]
Yes it was a very good CW Thanks again asphyx for your good work
RSQT, use aimbot ;B
My friend If you know about Quake or PB you will see that if someone have cheats in a server with PB on and Pure on it will be kicked so learn somethings first and then talk. Thanks!!!

My friend If you know about Quake or PB you will see that if someone have cheats in a server with PB on and Pure on it will be kicked so learn somethings first and then talk. Thanks!!!
same goes for you.

My friend If you know about Quake or PB you will see that if someone have cheats in a server with PB on and Pure on it will be kicked so learn somethings first and then talk. Thanks!!!same goes for you.
he is right rayden and i guess it was just meant ironically
customhacks (skulls favorite word ) are not seen by pb
gg. was close