Sugestions about Interview, Questions / Peopel ! many asked and we think it is good idea, here you can post your sugestions and questions for/of who you want see in next Interview. All interviewes you can read in Excessive+News
So hurry up to make your decision !!!
Best wishes,D@|¯K@NGE|_ and B|_ACK|¯OSE
For me,, I would like to see Beast+ in next Interview... about questions im thinking
but also we are waiting for you all!
and shady'AK already maked his questions to Beast+.

3 of those would be fun to ask:1) "North American e+ is currently "dormantly sleeping" at best. What part or aspect or person or clan/team (or even time period in general) do you miss the most from those NA/DeeX's Freeze OrGy times"
2) "What are your memorable e+ moments or wars?"
3) "What is your opinion on cylindrical hitboxes? :P"
KK...looking to hear from you all

3) "What is your opinion on cylindrical hitboxes? :P"
you can exclude this question, cuz the answer will be... "won't implement", for sure
lol illca :DDD
So...come on...make your sugestions etc.....
an interview with the great mowq would be awesome

an interview with the great mowq would be awesome
I would be more interested to get a lil overview about the life of a server-hacker and people who have mod-status but do "nothing" with it except breaking all available rules.
This in advance. I am not available for such things for this so called "community". Where mods hack servers and don't care any rules, where trolls can do what they wan't without having to fear any punishments. A mod full of self-promoters, egoists, cheaters, haters and shadys.
Just a couple of good people are still here, and just a handfull new good people have joined this mod the last years.
Like i said already in a other thread, the only thing what keeps me here is the addiction to play this mod and this few people.
As I said before, you dont have any tracking device on me to say if I or some other mods do nothing here or brake some great rules, if I dont know something, then pls enlight me.
a nice interview with asphyx or laktos were great
mm...yeah n1...many said name of ''who'' they want to see in the interview...but...non said what they would like to ask them :PPP
asphyx....dont worry your time will arrive to it :DDD
but now lets make some questions? : )))
waiting for your replys...
hmm somone whos been here for a while an seen it all !
interview with someone like that would be nice.

hmm somone whos been here for a while an seen it all !
interview with someone like that would be nice.
ok ) and questions?
any ideas...