®TAG/ Sneaky 2:1 =Bloody= /30.05.2010
.:: 1st map: dm2
=Bloody= 31 - 13 Sneaky
.:: 2nd map dm11
Sneaky 11 - 10 =Bloody=
.:: tie map dm6
Sneaky 26 - 20 =Bloody=
.:: Gametype: TAG 3vs3
.:: Timelimit: 15
.:: Fraglimit: 0
.:: FriendlyFire: 0
.:: Config: r4e09f.cfg
.:: Pure: enabled
.:: Punkbuster: enabled
.:: Server: *F*R*E*E*Z*E***M*A*N*I*A*[FUN***WAR]
gg, it was very long and buggy (some spawn + thaw bugs) cw in not best atmosphere.
but what can i say, thanks for cw Sneaky and i hope we will meet soon on our server
thanks dark for refing
gg again.
GG, the Bloody Brothers. You did awesome work on dm2, really. Was nice playing with you. Next week we will give you chance for revange...
Good game from both sides was realy interesting game
As said tr1ckz was buggy game more than 6 bugs ... but in next version of e+ and cfg,but we will not have this anymore sorry for this
Ok here are mvds from 3 maps:
gg, both
Strange thing with that bugs. We don't have tem on our server with r4e09f... There was a FW with Diablo Team on this conf on our server. No problems during the game.
Is not same cfg. See name. This one is offcial made by Camel. Is true, there are some little bugs in TAG, but I asked today Camel and Sebaz, they said is OK to play that cfg on TAG.
GG, too bad i wasn't able to come, but i will watch reply
oryginal camel's cfg don't working on ftag
True, that I told to Tr1ckz and today to Camel, too. He said to make him to work if I can.
P.S. I did and on terrorland worked, too...
people, come to =Bloody= Rail Server (=Bloody= Rail @ WhiteRabbit.pl) tommorow @ 20:00 CEST
there will be r4e09f.cfg, g_gametype=8 (TAG) no bugs.
cfg file attached

people, come to =Bloody= Rail Server (=Bloody= Rail @ WhiteRabbit.pl) tommorow @ 20:00 CEST
there will be r4e09f.cfg, g_gametype=8 (TAG) no bugs.
cfg file attached
It must be official r4e09f, and I see on your server this one:
Version2.0a, ^7S^1fir =Bloody= ^3** ^7Normal [Rail]
We already agreed with Tr1ckz to play next sunday one more cw...
But, pls, make sure that cfg is oficial for rank!
P.S. This was for rank!