TnT Total Cup 2014

132 replies [Last post]
arghali's picture
Joined: Mar 2007
PL Poland

Annoucement :

What? TnT Total Cup 2014
For? Every Clan on Plus and rail, Join and become TOTAL E+ MASTER
Mod? 2.3
Cfg? Plus => Newest PlusN.cfg; Rail => Newest New_gen v2.cfg
When? 02.08.2014 - Sing in deadline
03.08.2014 - announce schedule; ends player registations
04.08.2014 - Cup Beggin

3st Round 19.08.2014 - 26.08.2014


alone vs LSF

Mu vs TnT



dunno vs FFS

TwT vs TnT

OF vs R2

General Rules :

• Clan Wars will be ranked as mixed
• Clans will play 3 Gametypes in 1 CW
• Order to play TDM,TAG,CTF,TDM,FREEZE
• Winner is a clan who win 3maps ( so max 5 maps will be played in one match)
• Cup will be for Plus and RailOnly Clans(one Cup in 2 Tables so will be 2 Total Masters:) )
• Cup will start 1 week after TDM Leagues Ends
• Clan sing in will be close 1 day before Cup begin.

Clan Rules/Information :

• Every clan has to have their forums on the website.
• Clans can play in both leagues(plus+rail), but players who have 2 different clans(1rail+1plus) can't play in 2 leagues.
• Every clan has to refresh their clandb entry so it will be true to the current clan status.
• Minimum allowed players per team during game is 3.
• Maximum allowed players per team during game is 5.
• During the Cup, each Clan has 1 week (7 days) deadline to play their matches. (if clan play plus+rail have 1 week for 2 matches)
• Fixtures and League lists will be given after the sign-up's will be finished.
• All played games will be ranked : in Plus and Rail Ranking as MIXED

Maps List :


Points System:

• Win 3:0 points 5:0
• Win 3:1 points 4:1
• Win 3:2 points 3:2
• WO 3:0 points 5:0

Rules :

• Everyone is playing with everyone.
• In that Event Clans play one Clanwar until 3 won maps.
• In Game gametype are: TDM, TAG, CTF, TDM, TAG (only in that order
• Referee is needed .
• Visit public forums and create a post.
• if no official Referee availble, the clans can search for another neutral player (then both sides agree).
• if a match isnt played within deadline there will be a WO.
• if a clan doesnt reply = WO [use forums].
• if a clan doesnt show up after 30 mins after set time = WO [Time set on forums].
• if clan quits the event, every previous and further games will be considered as lost by WO.
• Loosing 2 games by WO in a row will succeed removing from Cup.
• Match winner must make a post - match report ( screenshots, etc ).
• Each clan has the right to take 2 timeouts per maps unless oponnent allows more.
• Every player who take a part in event has to play under official clan tag.
• Every player who take a part in event has to be prepaired to play with pb and pure.
• Trial members of a Clan are not allowed to play a clanwar in this Cup.
• Cheating and multiclaning is not allowed, Clans need to check enterys.
• Prooven multiclaning or cheating = Clan is out of the event.
• Clan Leader is responsible for Team, he need to take care who is allowed to play and who`s not.
• If a Team has broken the rules and won, then the much must be replayed the match.
• Both Teams have to plan a Replay of the Match in 1 week.
• Date of post in "New Clan Members" counts as Date to join.

Referee Rules :

• Every match must be played under control of a referee.
• Clans have to arrange with a referee, or post war details @ forums.
• Referee can`t be referee match, if he`s a member of one of the clans participating in this match.
• Referee should sort all difficulties on the server and record the mvd's during the match.
• Clans have to listen to Referee's orders and can't start the match untill Referee allows to do it.
• Clans have the duty to give the Referee the /ref password from the choosing server.
• If a Clan recruits player during the League. The player is not able to play for the next 1 match. If both sides agree that he can play.

Violations :

- If some of the rules will be broken then the clan which is responsible or both will receive a yellow card.
- 2 yellow cards = Red card = Out of the League
- If some of the clans recruit a new player or make a Trial a full member and NOT post it on New clan Members then this player will not play for the rest of the League + Yellow card for the clan.
- Screens have been taken from the current Clans status with time/day and i post them below so we will have proofs if this violation will happen in the future.

Clan List PLUS:

Clan List RAIL :

Furiat wrote:
..problems were with players and some wywalało. .....

luzer wrote:

ja via delete this forum plz ja tell term the create a new name AMG forum..

-VDTA-PJAX wrote:

from 26.07.08 to 31.12.9999

UFFAS * DSS wrote:

super last minute recruit join XD i saw bax was recruting like a tornado in last minutes

APOLLO Jr's picture
Joined: Jun 2011
Re: TnT Total Cup

would be cool Happy

Ov3r ? dunnO !
OV3RK1LL's picture
Joined: Jan 2012
Re: TnT Total Cup

it sounds nice, why not?

arghali's picture
Joined: Mar 2007
PL Poland
Re: TnT Total Cup

So I guess we can make and play it?:)what clanleaders about it(or members)Happy

Furiat wrote:
..problems were with players and some wywalało. .....

luzer wrote:

ja via delete this forum plz ja tell term the create a new name AMG forum..

-VDTA-PJAX wrote:

from 26.07.08 to 31.12.9999

UFFAS * DSS wrote:

super last minute recruit join XD i saw bax was recruting like a tornado in last minutes

klash's picture
Joined: Oct 2011
Re: TnT Total Cup

Interested but my clan doesn't play plusn...

arghali's picture
Joined: Mar 2007
PL Poland
Re: TnT Total Cup

hmm if sb from rail side could help this could be in 2 separate leagues on same rules(plus and rail)

Furiat wrote:
..problems were with players and some wywalało. .....

luzer wrote:

ja via delete this forum plz ja tell term the create a new name AMG forum..

-VDTA-PJAX wrote:

from 26.07.08 to 31.12.9999

UFFAS * DSS wrote:

super last minute recruit join XD i saw bax was recruting like a tornado in last minutes

Joined: Aug 2008
Re: TnT Total Cup

Well the total cup combines rail,ctf,plusn(tdm),plusn(freeze) so yeah you can participate in order to create the rail branch.

Fuck Yeah !

arghali's picture
Joined: Mar 2007
PL Poland
Re: TnT Total Cup

i thought more about 2leagues on same rules (or similar) 1st railonly same play system tdm,tag,ctf and 2nd plusN and play system tdm,tag,ctf. clans from rail and plsu don't mix each other and meet only opponents from they cfg.

Furiat wrote:
..problems were with players and some wywalało. .....

luzer wrote:

ja via delete this forum plz ja tell term the create a new name AMG forum..

-VDTA-PJAX wrote:

from 26.07.08 to 31.12.9999

UFFAS * DSS wrote:

super last minute recruit join XD i saw bax was recruting like a tornado in last minutes

Joined: Aug 2008
Re: TnT Total Cup

Ooohh sth like that ! Well that's an excellent idea Big grin I hope that many clans will participate in this event.

Fuck Yeah !

klash's picture
Joined: Oct 2011
Re: TnT Total Cup

sounds to be a great cup

arghali's picture
Joined: Mar 2007
PL Poland
Re: TnT Total Cup

so we have 2nd clan to play xD whos next?Big grin

Furiat wrote:
..problems were with players and some wywalało. .....

luzer wrote:

ja via delete this forum plz ja tell term the create a new name AMG forum..

-VDTA-PJAX wrote:

from 26.07.08 to 31.12.9999

UFFAS * DSS wrote:

super last minute recruit join XD i saw bax was recruting like a tornado in last minutes