Your best mouse ?
Well as thread says, tell us what is the mouse you like more and why, also rate it from 0 to 10.
Microsoft intellimouse 1.1a @ 500Hz
Using for 6 or 7 years now i believe
9/10 because they arent being made anymore
zowie fk 9.5/10 - posibility to move faster in first step with this mouse compared to others used, its like wmo but much much better, no low max speed, better grip than abyssus and g400, light mouse, flexible cable, looks and feels durable, wheel not best, but decent, does the job, 2 feet awesomely easy to replace, NO DRIVERS
abyssus 8.5/10 - very easy to click buttons, prolly the fastest clicks of mice i've been using, wheel is really good, mouse is light, lasting for me since 2011, buttons a bit loose now, but still can frag like nightmare, works great without drivers
logitech g400 8/10 - great sensor, durability, but couldnt adjust well with mouse shape, crap wheel, drivers needed for 500mhz
wmo 1.1/ ie3.0 7.5 - good feel in game, good shells, good shapes, low max speed is a shame, wheel decent, NO DRIVERS
x7 750bf 7/10 - good sensor, shell doesnt feel durable, and gets worn fast, like in 5-6 months
x7 ak 47 6.5/10 - cheap mouse, like 10 pounds, cheap feel of shell, fast wearing down feet, but still good 3060 optical sensor
"The MX518 legacy." (MX518 - G400 - G400S - ...)
- Empty of cheap lights or useless things : this mouse is made for performance not for being beautiful.
- Optical sensor never dropped on mousepad (as Imperator or other thin-laser mices did for me).
- The price is very attractive.
- It lasts long time unless you break it (as I did stupidly for my MX518).
- 1000 Hz @ 4000 DPI atm (prepare for quad-HD incoming).
8/10 because nothing is perfect (and I never tried the Intellimouse).
I tried Roccat and Razer mices, but will never buy again mices from those brands : cheap and over-priced mices in my opinion.

Microsoft intellimouse 1.1a @ 500Hz
Using for 6 or 7 years now i believe9/10 because they arent being made anymore
Same here. Awesome mouse for a very good price. Too bad my 2nd one is also slowly dying now (again the left mouse button aka +attack button).
Razer Deathadder 3500 3.5g because it's the only good mouse I ever had
I'll rate it 7/10 tho because my warranty has ended like 1,5 months ago and suddenly everything starts to get broken. Problems with cable, sens autochange, left mouse button slowly dies too. I expected it to be at least for 5 years for that price, that's why only 7/10. Else there would be nothing I could possibly complain for.
I'm currently using G400 @ 800dpi/1000hz. I'll give it a 9/10, perfect mouse for me, other than the size/weight and the scrollwheel is awful, but I've had it for over a year with no problems so far.
Before that I had wmo 1.1a, loved it but the left mouseclick stopped working randomly, but still a fantastic mouse. Also had one of the first editions of the Deathadder, and a Copperhead which were both pretty decent. I actually didn't like the size of the DA too much, kind of preferred the Copperhead to it, too bad they stopped production on those mice.
I've been hearing so many good things about the Zowie FK, and since I prefer lighter mice, I might purchase that sometime. Hope it goes well with my Artisan Shiden mousepad, since I've had a few issues with my G400 with it.
Depends on for what game, for QL or vanilla Q3 I found WMO and Steelseries Kana to work really good. For E+? Not so much, mice with some prediction works better there in my experience. I've played with MX518, G5 and Deathadder + Deathadder 3.5.
The early deathadder was by far my favourite, the sensor feeling slightly more responsive and more 'crisp' than the later edition. On the minus side of things, awful shape but you'll find something you don't like with every mouse. At some point you learn to live with it.
If I'd have to rate it: 9/10 since it worked like a swiss timepiece for about 4 years (no cleaning!).
interesting topic, my experience covers with a lot of what is said here.
Will edit my judgement into here lateron.
this week im gonna test Zowie FK :] at the moment i have razer deathadder, but the only problem of this mouse its that with fast moves u can lose the sensor traction.
Gloria Mōmentum
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