
Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque imperdiet nibh sed augue ornare elementum. Nunc hendrerit vehicula elit sed faucibus. Proin imperdiet tortor at neque bibendum mollis. Nullam a sodales tellus. Morbi mattis, lectus nec lacinia vestibulum, dolor augue aliquet eros, non pharetra diam diam eget ipsum. Phasellus lacinia, orci id lacinia adipiscing, libero turpis porta justo, ut malesuada mi dolor non neque. Aliquam porttitor sodales magna in bibendum. Suspendisse potenti. Donec rhoncus suscipit nisl, quis scelerisque mauris facilisis in.

First steps

Well, the site finally seems to work.

Currently clan registration is disabled. If your clan had an forum on the old site, please contact a clandb moderator to get it assigned back to you and your clan. This will make the forum visible again and the private forum accessible for your clan mates.

Let's see how it works out, the work has just began..

I will try to fill this blog with new additions made to this place.

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