
The edge of forever - Quake3 singleplayer map

awesome design map conceptet for singleplayer with multitriggers, really worhth to check out

anybody whos interested in mapping should check out his tutorials too Smug

basically its about u need to solve 5 puzzles and find 10 well hidden skulls, found 9 of 10 and failed on the 3rd skull, even pointed out in which room the skull is just to oversee the burtton Big grin

final time for finish: 35 minutes Happy gl guys

Documentation volunteers

In our ongoing process "More power to the community" we have allowed everyone to contribute to the mod documentation.

If you think you could help us writing a decent documentation or update existing entries, just head over to the Documentation and start editing.

This will help both, old players and maybe new visitors to find out more about Excessive Plus and all of it's functionality.
If you feel there is an missing section that you could contribute, feel free to contact a site administrator to get it added.


Just spam



Promoting map : Natedm1

hello e+

i want promote a map i found and play the hole day.

here a link to a demo download area :

for the suggestions and questions open ...

regards asphyx

Missing maps

As of the moment, there are some maps missing a download link in the server spider.
This makes it harder to spread good/popular maps to new players, as the default ingame download method is pretty limited.

So if you have any of the listed maps, please upload it to our map archive.

Uploading will require an FTP client like FileZilla but also Windows Explorer allows FTP connections.

my first video

Tavo reported!!

Today i just got the reply of my email to tavo on the day that the tragedy happend. So well he is alive and that is great news for us Happy

Any info about it i will continue to reply under this blog entry.. for the moment lets keep our prays with shadowkde.

GG tavomon

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