KMP conquering Mexico City #Concert

Hello everyone <3 dunno if you knew that I'm lead singer of a band called Feed the Vulture, we recently played a show in Mexico City, when we started playing there was like around 2000 people, at the end of second song the whole thing was full of people, more than 20,000 people it was insane, I want it to share with you guys this achievement Winking <3 see you in the arena!!

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Meteorkid's picture
Joined: Feb 2010
CA Canada
Re: KMP conquering Mexico City #Concert

Its fucking sick AF dude. Happy Congratz on the concert it must have been absolutly amazing to see so many people enjoying your music. Let me know if you ever plan on doing a concert near Ontario and I will have to come. Rock on!

Joined: May 2007
MX Mexico
Re: KMP conquering Mexico City #Concert

thanks bro, yeah it was insane, and yeah ofc when we go there to play or some place near I'll let you know Big grin

Kabar's picture
Joined: Dec 2006
PL Poland
Re: KMP conquering Mexico City #Concert

omfg its nuts! i neve played in front of so many people. keep rockin!

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