Direct Input and minimizor

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Joined: May 2009

DInput is written to change the use of Windows API coordinates
(in games or applications) to Direct Input coordinates.

Direct Input has got the following advantages compared to Windows API coordinates:


» No pointer ballistics (impossible cause of acceleration)
» It's designed to work on high resolution mice (win coordinates aren't)
» Faster (in theory)
» Different and mostly smoother feeling
» Because of the above reasons it mostly helps against negative acceleration

Default supported games:
Quake 3 (profilename: q3)

Minimizor 1.8
The purpose of this program is the minimizing of games. This program
minimizes all games that allow to be minimized using
OpenGL, Directx 5,6,7,8,9 and 10.

If you got problems with certain games, found bugs or got suggestions about
making Minimizor better then go to and leave a message.

Tested Games:


Quake 3 - Arena

I'm trying this "direct input" thing but dunno how can I feel or see the difference and result ?????