Some questions

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Joined: Jun 2005

Hello i have read the docs and am still quirious about some issues.
How do you controle so you cant spam shots i mean it is like normal
q3. Not exactly but near. Second how do i turn of Friendlyfire?

Me and my friends want to play like normal q3 with the freeze mod almost.

Regs Jonas


I know understand its the configs but witch should i take they're awfully bad descibed. Is there also some server commands i need?

I would like a copy of the [MR] servers config bro-freeze.cfg Happy
I udnerstand its maybe done by the clan Bro but anyway where
can i get a hold of it?

Faith's picture
Joined: Dec 2004
Some questions

u change the weapon reload in ur weapon cfg

Machinegun {
Ammo: 400;
Cycle: 70;
Damage: 30;
Splash Damage: 0;
Regen: 1300;
Radius: 0;
Knockback: 0;
Spread: 200;
Radial: 1;
Bounce: 0;
Sky: 0;
Weight: 1.0;
Self Damage: 0.5;

to turn on friendly fire write in ur server cfg

g_friendlyfire 1

u can dl nice Big grin server cfg's from here, their much like BRO ones