! !Carnage *ELITE'Z*

10 spawn points, medium map.
Server Information
- Host
requires QConnect to be installed - Rank
- unrated
- Players
- 0+3 / 10
- Gametype
- Free for All
- Timelimit
- 15 minutes
14:55 left - Fraglimit
- 30
29 left - Admin
- F*U*B*A*R, Frogg, Pho2, Thor
elitez-q3@hotmail.com - Location
United Kingdom
- Version
- 2.3, Beryllium-h (Low)
- Uptime
- 0:00:32
Last update
Additional information
.AntiCheat E+ ACS Level 4, .AntiWallHack E+ AWH Level 1, .Clan Name *ELITE'Z*, .Motto Beat the Best to be the Best, .Website www.elitez.eu, bot_minplayers 5, Config E+ Beryllium Simulation, dmflags 0, Hours 24/7, Location London, UK, sv_allowDownload 1, sv_punkbuster 0, sv_pure 0, version Q3 1.32c linux-i386 May 8 2006