CuchiPanda's Server

Server Information
- Host
requires QConnect to be installed - Rank
- unrated
- Players
- 0 / 14
- Gametype
- Capture the Flag
- Timelimit
- 20 minutes
- Capturelimit
- none
- Password
A password is required
- Protection
- Admin
- adminname - Location
- q3urt42
- This is not an Excessive Plus server!
Last update
Additional information
auth 1, auth_status public, dmflags 0, g_allowvote 536871039, g_antilagvis 0, g_armbands 1, g_bluewave 15, g_bombdefusetime 10, g_bombexplodetime 40, g_deadchat 1, g_enableBreath 0, g_enableDust 0, g_enablePrecip 0, g_followstrict 1, g_friendlyfire 1, g_funstuff 1, g_gear 0, g_hotpotato 2, g_matchmode 0, g_maxGameClients 0, g_maxrounds 0, g_modversion 4.2.023, g_redwave 15, g_respawndelay 8, g_roundtime 3, g_skins 1, g_stamina 0, g_stratTime 0, g_suddendeath 1, g_survivor 1, g_swaproles 0, g_walljumps 3, g_waverespawns 0, sv_allowdownload 0, sv_dlURL, sv_floodprotect 1, sv_maxPing 0, sv_minPing 0, sv_privateClients 0, version ioQ3 1.35 urt 4.2.021 linux-i386 Nov 14 2014