Common maps: acidburn*, q3tourney6, q3dm17, ixe_dk, q3dm19, ixe_tm, bloodstone, q3tourney3, venecia_dm, q3dm14, e1m7gt, 13tomb, q3q1dm2, obiq1dm3, q3jdm9, q3q1dm4, q3q1dm1, q3revdm6, houseby, ztn3dm2, q3rar1, gothic, q3dm4, q3hipdm1, q3dm1, mkfingers, aepyra, rustgrad, ztn3dm1, japandm, pom_bots, 13agony, 13yard, 13octo, 13base, 13edge, 13sky, shkiper3dm1, 13black_se, q3dm10, riotarena, q3dm0, aty3dm1v2, 1++, alkdm12, alkdm11, alkdm06, akutatourney5, akutatourney4, akutatourney6, airking, akutatourney7, akutatourney8, akutatourney2, akutatourney3, aedesert, aedm7, addict, ad5_tiki2k3, acid3dm4, acc_penguinz, 3dcondm1, 3+, qxtourney1, qxdm3, shibam, aerowalk, beneath, bbq3dm2, q3gwdm1, bbq3dm1, q3shw25, batcula, q3peer, q3rev, ts_dm4, almostlost, campercrossings, campgroundsblue, chemicalreaction, corrosion, coldwar, deepinside, deadandgone, delirium, devilish, evolution, furiousheights, forgotten, futurecrossings, uzul3, ql_hektik, houseofdecay, intervention, leftbehind, limbus, monastery, windowpain, doomtoxic, q3dm2, resurrection, jk_dm4f, wolfensteel, q3dm6, doomentryway, q3dm7, charonq2dm1v2, q3dm9, blazime, po2k, simple-dm7, q3dm12, aquamarine, q3dm13, simple-dm5, q3dm15, spacerenegade, q3dm16, hub3aeroq3, q3dm18, simple-dm6, q3dm3, plateforme8, q3dm8, aty3dm5v2, q3tourney2, doomhangar, q3dm5, robotic, q3tourney4, toxicmetal, q3dm11, goldmoon, q3tourney5.
Server Information
- Host
requires QConnect to be installed - Rank
- unrated
- Players
- 0 / 16
- Gametype
- Free for All
- Timelimit
- 6 minutes
- Fraglimit
- none
- Location
- Brazil
- Quake III Arena
- This is not an Excessive Plus server!
Last update
Additional information
bot_minplayers 13, dmflags 0, g_maxGameClients 0, ServerAddr, ServerMode Q3A classic 99, ServerSite, since 16Abr2000, sv_allowDownload 1, sv_dlURL, sv_floodProtect 0, sv_maxPing 0, sv_minPing 0, sv_privateClients 0, version ioq3 1.36_GIT_972635ea-2023-11-22 linux-x86_64 Dec 16 2023