House of Pain

Common maps: revolver*, trinity, retribution, q3dm8, q3dm10, q3dm11, q3dm12, nodm18, terminalheights, beyondreality, q3tourney6_ctf, aerowalk, battleforged, bloodrun, ztn3dm1, nodm19, teddm1, furiousheights, pro-dcmap7, nodm5, ql_overkill, sinister, courtyard, quarantine, shakennotstirred, arenagate, spillway, hearth, eviscerated, forgotten, q3dm5, 6++, campgroundsblue, q3dm6, q3dm9, nodm9f, q3dm13, demonkeep, cobaltstation, longestyard, q3dm17, spacechamber, q3tourney1, pro-q3tourney2, hellsgate, pro-q3tourney4, q3tourney4, fatalinstinct, almostlost, q3dm0, railyard, szq2dm1ish, deadandgone, eyetoeye.
Server Information
- Host
requires QConnect to be installed - Rank
- unrated
- Players
- 0+10 / 16
- Gametype
- Free for All
- Timelimit
- 10 minutes
Warmup - Fraglimit
- 25
25 left - Admin
- serverADMINS
EMAILaddress - Location
United States
- q3plus
- This is not an Excessive Plus server!
- Uptime
- 6 days, 2:19:47
Last update
Additional information
.DISCORD: DISCORDserver, .MAPPACK: mappackURL, .WEBSITE: WEBSITE, bot_minplayers 10, sv_allowDownload 1, sv_floodProtect 1, sv_privateClients 0, sv_punkbuster 0, sv_pure 0, version Q3 1.32e-g$ linux-x86_64 Dec 1 2024