[A-Ones] InstaGib Slow Rail Pickup


Pickup game is a game that starts by a spontaneously group of players, which connected to the IRC chat room. In other words, this is organized type of public server. Pickup games is still popular in CPMA, NoGhost and QuakeLive.

Procedure of pickup game is simple, each captain of team pick the player from pickup list, then another captain pick player, it's picking by turn until got full team.

During the pickup game teams playing only 1 map.


Channel and server info: #epickup@irc.quakenet.org;

Web browser client link: webchat.quakenet.org // Put your Nickname and press to Join chat.

Supported IRC clients: mIRC; xchat; KVirc; BersIRC; vIRC;


Pickups have format Freeze Tag 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 and 5v5, type in chat !add 2v2 or !add 4v4 as example, and you will be added to the next pickup game.

To remove yourself from the current pickup before game was started type !remove.

When pickup's slots is full, automatically each player will receive a message which contain info about server IP and password for join.

Captains for each pickup game randomly selects by IRC bot.

The list of the players allowed for the current pickup published by IRC bot.

When every players that were added to the pickup connected to the server, captains join their team and have gauntlet fight on q3dm6 quad area. The winner has right to pick player or map first, for example if
winner decided pick player first, then loser has right to pick map. Next players they have to pick by turn.

In case if some player didn't connected to the server in time, any player can replace him. Alowed time for prepare is 5 minutes, if player doesn't show up during this time, his participate in pick up can be revoked, captain might be looking for sub a player.

When game is finished, all players must leave the server, to let give a slots for players for the next pickup wave.

Summary server settings: Fraglimit = 20; Timelimit = 30; xp_config = iFT.

Primary IP: pass: pickup

Backup IP: pass: th13

VSP Stats: http://aim-plus.com/aiminsta/

Map list: q3dm2; q3dm3; q3dm4; q3dm5; q3dm6; pro-q3dm6; q3dm7; q3dm8; q3dm11; q3dm13; pro-q3dm13; q3dm14; q3dm17; cpm14; ospdm1; teddm1; fr3dm1; jaxdm8; q3shw24; overkill; pro-q3tourney7.

xvibenedykt's picture
Joined: Jul 2008
PL Poland
Re: [A-Ones] InstaGib Slow Rail Pickup

i think that the most people uses here site and shoutbox to find some random game. much easier will be to force them to use GAB.