Inspiration Excessive Plus Enjoy fkng must see :) Movie e+ KO

We all need some inspiration to keep fragging, and I remember I used to have the KO II Movie in a disk, I search for it and I found it, I wonder why nobody post it on youtube, well anyway, here it is Big grin enjoy the fucking awsome quake 3 e+ movie from the best clan europe has had ever Happy Killing Obsession Happy , to the new people that doesnt know this guys, they were the bomb back in the day Happy and to those who know them, enjoy the movie Happy watch the full movie, at the end when the credits ends they show a video of marcus pummeling some dudes Big grin haha <3 I love it!!!!

Nether's picture
Joined: May 2010
FR France
Re: Inspiration Excessive Plus Enjoy fkng must see :) Movie ...

It used to be on youtube if I'm right, probably has been removed. Anyway, I always like some nostalgy Happy

But I used to be a LEM fan rather than a KO Tongue

Ufasas's picture
Joined: Jan 2006
Re: Inspiration Excessive Plus Enjoy fkng must see :) Movie ...

Good times, was a fan of Lemon and Swe : P

I would teach you how to play, but I don't know myself!
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Joined: Mar 2011
Re: Inspiration Excessive Plus Enjoy fkng must see :) Movie ...

I always wondered how these guys kept their skill up, they never seemed to play much

cheers, divin

Joined: Oct 2012
Re: Inspiration Excessive Plus Enjoy fkng must see :) Movie ...

Cool video Happy

Nether's picture
Joined: May 2010
FR France
Re: Inspiration Excessive Plus Enjoy fkng must see :) Movie ...
Divin'X wrote:

I always wondered how these guys kept their skill up, they never seemed to play much

How could you possibly know that since you were having your first trumpet lessons at that time Big grin ? Joking Winking

I think that they had some gifted players, people like Lem Crat (yeah I am taking a french mate as a reference Tongue) had one of the best RL acc I've ever seen and yet the guy was like playing once in a while and he wouldn't take anything seriously.

.DoK. Crazy
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Joined: Apr 2009
Re: Inspiration Excessive Plus Enjoy fkng must see :) Movie ...

I should have the HD version somewhere Big grin.
The first e+ orientation video I saw when I was a beginner)

My ideas and content for E+:

.DoK. Clan® founder/leader since October 2008 ©.

.DoK. Clan Trailer <-- Thanks to DoK SoftAir.
Throphy: 3rd place AFC 2010.
]DOK[ DanGeR FroSteD!

Caipiroska-fragola , Sex on the beach, Pink floid Big grin
Soft prendiamo i soliti? ok, 1 canarino e 3 ACE con ghiaccio Big grin

trb's picture
Joined: Jul 2010
HU Hungary
Re: Inspiration Excessive Plus Enjoy fkng must see :) Movie ...

Lem rulz

silence is better than bullshit

ShadyAK's picture
Joined: Jul 2006
Re: Inspiration Excessive Plus Enjoy fkng must see :) Movie ...

Felt a little nostalgic today, decided to check it out and see what's happening, this is actually a nice topic.

Kind of reminds me of this vote/debate btw:

(it's kind of biased cos most of the people voting were either ex-KO, ex-LEM or ex-SWE though so despite the political niceness everyone just voted for their own former clan. "Democracy doesn't work" )

and btw drill renounced this movie a few years ago due to the embarassment and negative stigma of being associated with e- from real Quake players (OSP/CPM/VQL) I guess that's why it's not on youtube xD


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camel-xp's picture
Joined: Mar 2006
Re: Inspiration Excessive Plus Enjoy fkng must see :) Movie ...

Lem heh, I remember back then when about 6 or 7 Lem members appeared on some public Freeze server and kicked everybodys asses by playing togheter in one team, they impressed me so much that I had my Tryout for Lem clan carried out by Bert and Ratz and how it goes lol, they thought that I am an cheater because I used the xp_drawnames command on foggy q3tourney5 map where I won if I remember correctly Big grin

this cmd shown the names of enemies back then, now it shows you only your teammates names, but it was useful for ftag gametype, because you could spot players behind an corner that had long nicknames for example Tongue

Anyway, I'm curious how all of these 'old good' players would play now with everyone, as 'usual peoples' skillz has increased since that time, I'm curious how Hard from SWE would play now with all that fancy Anti-Cheat and Anti-Wallhack we have now against that crazy players as Kantill for example Big grin

I assume back in there we were like walking ducks for them, now it isnt that easy ^^

expedion's picture
Joined: Oct 2010
Re: Inspiration Excessive Plus Enjoy fkng must see :) Movie ...

KO fucking sucked so did the entire PlusN suck. Sucked massive ton of old grandpa cock. I'm absolutely not impressed by the easy kills.

Great movie though. Nice vegas editting...