3rd Ban Blues by Blasphemy
A new single from blas
listen/download here : http://www.mediafire.com/listen/wsej67xh9jbf3rb/3RD_BAN_BLUES.wav
You had to prove you grew some balls
Yet you let the cheaters mock the community whole
You should have listened to my advice
And brutalize those polish mice
You may got the power, you may be in charge
Still in my eyes you are a damn retard
And I’ll be back unless I’m dead
To spit on you, damn shitheads
This place is diseased, fourth-ban me please
listen, downoad and rate, soon aviable on iTunes and soundcloud.
this song was recorded without using 5th finger
2 new singles from Blasphemy
one special dedication for ufas(a song cover)
I'vge been drying in a dead age
I've been reeking of the new plague
The sun on the ocean is dead
Is just the echo of the blood in your hair?
Sister burn the temple
And stand beneath the moon
The sun on the ocean is dead
Is just the echo of the blood in your hair?
Burning your blag flag
*The second single*
The medley
lyrics wont be posted due to technical isues
listen, rate, download
soon Aviable on itunes
*Note* the two last singles were recorded without the fifth finger while being naked.
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You've asked skull if he got any reallife except q3, but you should ask the same your friend blasphemy.
Fiendsin, by posting same things as blasphemy when he was on the drunk rampage rage his whole day lately, you may consider yourself to be treated the same way as he and finally end up with the ban from epsi.

I just got a question, whats it to you?
I had to clean up the mess after him when he was in drunk fury
I don't approve this song but I've got to admit - Blasphemy, if you're reading this - you've got really damn incredible singing voice :o
Do you have any youtube channel with your songs or something? Really interested to hear more from you, I'm quite amazed. I'd be grateful if someone send me the link.
Got to admit, it's a pretty damn good song! Let me know as soon as it is available on iTunes .
@Camel, mate I've got some fucked up recordings of your drunk sloppy ass coming on TS being a fucking alcoholic. I should post them some day, they are hilarious.
Ffs, go make split with Daxx Riggs
Blasphemy what are you trying to accomplish? an permanent ban? i can give that before the time just to make you happy. I have plenty of proofs from what you've done already. If not try maybe to comunicate better?
This kind of communication using friends might get them to be banned also for supporting banned accounts, and i don't think they realize it.
How about just go to the holiday you so much wanted to have? Now you have it. And your not happy?
lol wtf Blasphemy u have a realy good singing voice!
nice 1
continue, this sounds interesting.
edit: I just got a question, whats it to you?
btw: It was a normal question on, if he has reallife activities, nothing about q3 mentioned, chillax dude
Sometimes I wish I was a NEET again, but life is too fucking expensive man.
The weak plot revenge, the strong forgive and the Lucky forget, but Fiend, Fiend no longer gives a shit