Useful and affordable equipments
At free online dictionaries.. I found that they don't always provide true meanings.. and in some cases, they happen to have very abusive words as meanings of other words which have ways different meanings than they provide them as.. in addition to the fact they never help with forming complete sentences as interactive talk or responds..
So I guess for people with limited knowledge of some language, this type of device could help
The keyboard is wireless, but as far as I experienced, it gives as good performance as wired keyboards.. I could be wrong, since I only tried a Razer keyboard, I would say the wireless microsoft is better, and the mouse which comes along with, is fairly well too, but has delay as it is wireless.. they keyboard indicates with red light once battery is low..
Since day one till now, I been using some earphones like these to play quake, but cheaper ones with almost same shape.. fairly well really! Philips make good quality earphones!
I wanted to share some of the things I got to know they could be useful yet affordable for most people and not expensive.
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take a good mechanical ps2 keyboard, a 10-15 euro wmo/1.1a and a bunch of sennheisers and you have double the performance for same price?
Yep I really gotta agree with Skull about Sennheiser stuff performances, best quality/price over the whole market.

please change your avatar sweet nether ;(

Not to mention the real great look,
- Reliable 2.4 GHz Wireless Up to a 30-foot range and less clutter on your desktop
Tested and proven! all wireless and mouse working even on transparent glass.. with a sensor better than the WMO 1.1A..
With a price lower than the one listed at considering the fact skull is one of the most people complaining and speaking about wires and whether good or annoying.. as I told you.. he just made a mistake with that post!
dude get out of here
1. sensor in WMO is world wide listed as the best in all FPS games
2. none of the serious gamer's play a wireless, millions of people... not even speaking that this mouse is locked to 125Hz duh...
about the headphones it seems people all over have kinda different opinion than yours,
Sorry to keep this short, but I got to fix a PC in about 13 minutes from now:
-In Ear plugs vs Closed Head phones and Open Head phones:
Both, In Eat and closed headphones keep the sound wave within your ear, by long time using you get the disco effect of damaged ears. Therefor for regular gaming I suggest open or half open (hearing all outside sounds while outside can hear your sound | hearing nearly only ingame sound while outside can hear your sound). Headphones. In Ear just for special circumstances.
-Wireless stuff: always can run out Batteries and add +1 frame Delay no matter how good the device it. Your whole Gaming setup is only as good as the worst component. Note: PS2 runs at 85 hz, but commands get transfered asap, while USB always have to wait 1 HZ for that. This is the reason why N-Key (No limit an simulatanious keys pressed) only works with ps2. USB basically IS the worse 'medium'. Also Wireless stuff is stuck at 125 default hz with few exceptions.
-Spill resistance: Any good gamer calls himself a favorite Mousepad. A Mousepad is NEVER spill resistent, except if its easily cleanable for example glass.
Any old ps2 Keyboard can take a shitload of Beer. The Soft touch technology is basically a downgrade from the mechanical keyboards from before 1995. The rubber wears out leaving you with bad keys. Furthermore the keys are attached to the Board in a very cheap way, causing them to 'jitter?'. Wrote about that elsewhere.
-Surfaces: A mouse taking any Surface isn't good, if it looses tracking on every surface. for gaming you need at least 1m/s. From my experience, ANY office mouse doesn't do that.
-ALL fancy Marketing stuff:
Always think about what bonus adds that marketing to ur gaming. For example 30 foot reach - you are sitting in front of your screen anyways roflz xd.
Now as final note about why every gamer has to have an wmo:
Turns out every mouse nowadays comes along with a mouse smoother, it filters the data the sensor gets and smoothes it down. This is some kind of interpolation in ANY mouse in the market. Microsoft used the same sensor (probably mass ordering, its MLT04) for every mouse they build in past, including the professional intellimouse explorer 3.0. The WMO is so cheap, they didn't build in those smoother. so for the record, the WMO is the ONLY mouse worldwide, which allows TRUELY raw input of your hand.
here you can get itz:
PS: do NOT worry about it being used. The mouse ended up in the offices of half the world due to it being microsoft. These mice are perfectly fine. (Approved, got 2 of those used ones, it looks heavily used, but everything at it is just like unboxing apart the mouse1 button being glossy instead of rough now.)
@skull, IEM, are far superior in term of hearing protection than on ear headphones. the mouse given by gmz have more than 2m/s but the problem with it is that is wireless and idk if its actually even go up to 125Hz, the wired versions i have tested have hardware lock for Hz, because its actually faster than the WMO/IE with the difference that 125Hz makes it completely unplayable
ouch sorry, mixed that, in ear has the problem you have physically no possibility for bass.
about the mouse, do we have any sensor data avaible?

ouch sorry, mixed that, in ear has the problem you have physically no possibility for bass.
about the mouse, do we have any sensor data avaible?
what o0??
have u ever heard a good IEM, even the cheap plugs attached to the phones have HUGE bass
the mouse data u asking? i have one on my desk that's my data
Used stuff you mean or new?
And could you post a link showing the products?
Have fun at E+ and never take it with hard feelings no matter how much you lose nor how much stupid or dump or punk or bad or blithering idiot the player you are playing with really is, it's just a game and we are here to have fun and enjoy our times!!