The Zeitgeist Movement
The Zeitgeist Movement
We are a grassroots, non-political, social movement. We maintain that governments are ineffective in dealingwith problems such as poverty, crime, hunger and environmental destruction because they do not assess,or deal with, the underlying causes of such problems. For example, they send people to prison instead ofidentifying the causes of such criminal behaviour.
A large-scale reassessment of our social methods is needed, most importantly, the use of money. This medium was useful in the past, but is now becoming increasingly outdated and subject to corruption,so much so that many make a profit out of problems rather than solutions. This paralyses progress, so a transition to a new kind of economy is needed.
This is where the Earth's resources are surveyed, and then we base our distribution of resources on what we have available - we already know that we have enough to feed, house, clothe, and educate every human being on Earth.
This transition is essential since we currently have an economy based on ever-increasing consumption whenwe live on a finite planet. This is completely unsustainable, and we are already seeing the effects it is having.
Many people live out their lives in a monotonous, repetitive job that siphons away any time to pursue
their own interests. This is unacceptable and insulting to the value of a human life. With modern technology many jobs could be automated, but this is being restricted because our current economy is based on perpetual employment.
The role of you or I in a resource-based economy would be much more important and meaningful, because we would have more time to contribute to society, our families, and ourselves.
Currently, change is slow and disruptive. This transition would enable a society wherein decisions are based on the best scientific information we have available, rather than opinions of political parties. With a movement away from money, debt, or barter, no one has an advantage or disadvantage over anyone else, allowing us to move forward with a goal of improving the quality of life for everyone. The proposals of this direction are the culmination of over 70 years of research by an organisation called.
the Venus Project.
These ideas are wide in scope, and offer very new perspectives on the world. We encourage you to look up these ideas and ask as many questions as you feel necessary, as any inquiry or suggestion for improvement is beneficial for everyone. We know these proposals aren't perfect, but they would allow a society in which they can constantly be improved. In the end it is becoming increasingly apparent that there needs to be a shift in our society - the top 1% of the world’s population owns 40% of the wealth. What’s more, with thousands of children dying everyday from extreme poverty and preventable disease, it is clear that ourcurrent methods aren't working and it is time for real change.
How to getinvolved
There are many free resources and videos online to find out more.
This website contains information about national and local events and chapters, as well as UK-wide community discussion.
This website has global news, information, community discussion, and details on how to get involved globally.
This website has an extensive FAQs section along with further reading material, and videos
“Be the change you want tosee in the world.”- Gandhi
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