Impact of RL to Gaming
Holla Novatos,
I just was wondering about myself.
I was wondering, why the hell I make such good games on Sundays and just average games from Monday till Saturday.
On Sundays I can stand the pace with the good ones, ofc I am the opinion they are much better than me, but nevertheless. Under the week I have just an average performance.
So I was thinking how it can be to make on Sundays 30, 40 and 50 frags with skilled enemies and otherwise just around 15-20 no matter if enemies are skilled or not. Fact is, Sundays are the only days on which I really sleep until I wake up by myself, which leads to that I am able to play intuitive, I don’t need to look at crosshair and if it is on enemy, I simply do it. Under the week I just sleep around 5-6 hours/night and really don’t hit much if I don’t concentrate on crosshair a lot.
I found out, I need at least 8-9 hours’ sleep to bring up proper performances.
Concerning this I also found out, it really helps me if I take for example dextrose or a red bull, when I did no sleep much, but the effect stops pretty fast again.
While I observed my gaming-experience the last year I also noticed, if I have problems in real life, e. G. a hell of work (deputize for somebody, or mainsaison), or if I have problems with my GF or whatever, I can have sleep as much as I want, the worries put my down and I suck at gaming.
For now I don’t mind it so much, since I stopped all team and clan-gaming, and skill became just semi-important for me, but in past, if I knew I have a difficult war to play, I really gone to bed earlier and tried to fix smaller RL-problems just to have a chance for a good performance.
How does RL effect your gaming-performance, do/did you prepare for wars in any special way?
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- lack of sleep
- lack of peace
- lack of pussy
nothing more
probably that and also it increase overall mood
Yes that is true, mostly we play with our eyesight and eyes are most exposed to get tired. Coffee helps, redbull helps but nothing can replace good, deep sleep :] Once i red that gamers especially fast FPS gamers have much more sensitive eyesight to all changes in greyscale then average man and it can be true. But it means also that its more easy to overwork it.. So be carrefull ;P
Ahh and two more things which take away from skill would be cold fingers and needing a piss halfway thru a match and ofc nerves
Sleep.. heh, I dont have enough time to sleep every day especially this new year.. Usually is about 5-7 hours... it's so less than should be.. Maybe I play always bad because of this? hmm never thought about it. I think my game is usually bad because I almost don't play for last year xDDD
When there is an important war coming up, I try to get normal sleep that day(usually I sleep around 3-4 hours a day)
oh, happy you))) I don't have time to sleep at day.... only weekends, when I should choose: time to amuse or time to sleep))))Nothing special before important wars for me.... maybe only planning more free time. little bit training before game.
As for me, sometimes my game depends on my mood. The mood which was obtained not in the game; because of some real life problems for example. Then everything is bad in my game. My arm on mouse is like not my arm nervous style of moving on usual maps; some excess moves, which don't make my game good) Then I get bad emotions, become angry and nervous. Better not to play in such mood. Another is about good mood. When I'm glad or happy, or just sucessfull day in real life, then I have fun in game. Don't even care about high number of frags, eff, acc - I get it
ahh yes... and cold hands +1 ))
no no no, i dont smoke)) i mean about cold weather outside... about -30-35 then its cold at home.
I don't know about meteor. btw I know some good players who smoke between 1-2 maps on important wars O_o does nicotine help them to play better than without it?
Maybe you are more relaxed knowing there is a day you can spend on anything you want to @ Sunday, so you play having more control over your emotions and body parts. Sounds kind of logical.
If u have often cold hands, stop smoking