RTFM Cup /// Rules of Engagement
Hi guys,
Just read the 40-odd posts in New Members Discussion topic. The following two things came to mind:
1) :!:
Normally, on e+ (and in most other cups and tournaments), hasn't the rule been:
"Any player who joined to another clan has to wait X matches before he can play (X being between 1 and 4), UNLESS he was already part of another participating clan's roster (even if clan is knocked out), in which case he cannot play at all.
Seems reasonable, and it prevents from clanhopping, or clans that are in a final taking 4 superstar players from knocked out clans. Seems reasonable, and sexy, right?
In this case, unique players arent even affected, they just have to wait 1 game, because unique were not in cup. Then rules were changed by both organizers, to a rule that favours them both (Dark gets a player joining from another participating clan, Asp gets to move to another clan and not have to wait whole cup). Seems a little biased to me. Plz comment on your take on this, guys :!:
And 2) :!: a light-hearted guide how to reasonably argue on e+ forum, especially with the likes of scum like Me, The FROG))) and crapbringer
1 - Notice someone asked a question. Instead of answering, write a short "NO U" reply in asker's general direction. Mention bad performances in previous cups if necessary ( cos e+ has only clans aNk ever played in amirite)
2 - After question repeated , classify the question as offtopic and threaten to bann it. (omg spam troll admin bann plz!)
3 - Claim that your 2 hour clan change is just fun. Say FU ITS MY CUP ITS FOR FUN BRO.
5 - Say "lol your argument is invalid cos ure trol fu"
6 - Finally delete whole lists of messages, well, because questions couldnt be answered. And it showed some guys you don't like making constructive points instead of spamming inner-clan jokes or ":@" smileys.
BONUS - For a short period of time (REST OF OCTOBER ONLY), you can claim that ANYONE you disagree with is an aNk (Shadyundhisgang/Edawne/whatever) troll, and ridicule them as shown in above 6 points. To add realism to that claim, we will agree with your statement, and even give the person in question Opeartor status on our IRC channel and access to aNk private forum.
- ShadyAK's blog
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On a more serious note, this rule changing situation speaks volumes on >>>>CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS<<<< and the quality of their moral fibre and level of integrity.
parts of your 6 points never were posted like that
For me there are just 3 kind of people in here. people who do something for others. And people who try to fuck up everything and people who simply wanna play.
I bet you have a lot of drawers in your home, Mow.
i will always consider a post made by anyone .. even if its from the scum of the universe .. if he has a point then he has a point. And should be like that mainly because moderators should look over any "racial" background and get the "golden idea" with fairness.
And about the rule i think there can be no default rules in e+.. i think its the organizers to decide what rules should be in account .. and its for the Clans to think about and rules and consider if they will continue in the CUP or not. This should be the normal course of events. something like : "Your continuation is conssiderd an accept of these changes"
there was a missunderstanding about something and please try to use the RTF cup to discuss about it. it shouldnt be a blog please.
also i ask from you (every1 that read my message) to be a bit understandable about the situation that is now .. and try to do it for the sake of this cup we want this cup to be played in the normal state of events
thanks for understanding
I'm sorry, but changing rules on a whim while the cup is already in progress is pretty damn far from a "normal state of events", even considering that most e+ cups are rather poorly organized and run.
To be perfectly honest, i'm shocked nobody else is picking up on this. Are you guys really fine with that? Aren't you at all worried that someone running a big event just threw any credibility and integrity he might have had out the window for the sake of his own playing convenience? Damn.
Well said, bro.
I'd just like to add a few more things:
1) I don't have anything against Asphyx either. I also think it's awesome he took the time and effort to make this happen.
2) The rule change in itself isn't such a big deal. It's the fact that he did it after the cup was started and without consulting it with the other participants first is what makes this deal so nasty.
3) This is a dangerous precedent to set. What if next time he changes a more vital rule just because it fits his fancy?
4) Xd plz omg shady trol admin ban
yeah that 40 posts are pure bullshit and are posted in totally wrong thread, and it should be done like it has been done in most cups described below by Shady:
"Any player who joined to another clan has to wait X matches before he can play (X being between 1 and 4), UNLESS he was already part of another participating clan's roster (even if clan is knocked out), in which case he cannot play at all.Seems reasonable, and it prevents from clanhopping, or clans that are in a final taking 4 superstar players from knocked out clans. Seems reasonable, and sexy, right?"
dunno who needs to make 40 posts about nothing, invi and zax should have just copied the rules of some previous cups cause guess what, those rules worked!
simple and plain, no need to complicate things that have been done before successfully with some new improvizations... the duty of organizing a cup is great by itself, no need to revolutionize the existing rules (if that was their intention)!
1 - Notice someone asked a question. Instead of answering, write a short "NO
U" reply in asker's general direction. Mention bad performances in
previous cups if necessary ( cos e+ has only clans aNk ever played in
yep, i toned this one down. Let's see further:
2 - After question repeated , classify the question as offtopic and threaten to bann it. (omg spam troll admin bann plz!)
"admin bann plz" and "forum mod will delete this" : a modern day example of an antonym c:
3 - Claim that your 2 hour clan change is just fun. Say FU ITS MY CUP ITS FOR FUN BRO.
^ this is the only over-exaggerated example, as Asp was trying to be nice and explain things. After which, comments kinda stopped towards Asp.
Sarcasm isnt allowed here, is it?
5 - Say "lol your argument is invalid cos ure trol fu"
6 - Finally delete whole lists of messages, well, because questions
couldnt be answered. And it showed some guys you don't like making
constructive points instead of spamming inner-clan jokes or ":@"
^ those 2 have cropped up quite a lot. LIke the RE: Ali blog actually tried to make sense of Ali's post. Then turned into a shit throwing concept that I was still trying to be reasonable in. But that was deleted. like a few other posts in regards to IRC chans, Other mod (it died in river now, etc). The list goes on.
Xd plz. Yet i am the obvious troll, trying to fuck things up for others, as me being concerned about the cup in which i played 2 CWs and worried about rule changes (if this happens then what stops changing rules to "in knockout stages, no clan can sign playes except Banana") is clear trollbaiting?