Steelseries 6g v2
Normally I review every good stuff I buy, but I didn't for this one.
Basically its just a very very simple Keyboard with perfection. It is very heavy, you can't adjust its heigh, nor you have any adds, except a fn alike key on the left side (therefor no accidental pressing of winkey). And that one only allows you to adjust multimedia.
It has mechanical keys without pressure point, allowing you to instantly press keys. Combined with a N-Key rollover it just never lets you down, no matter what you press, you will NOT run in ANY problem whatsoever. This keyboard does it job so decent, that you forgett it was as expensive as it rly is.
However they should have used a different method for the keys, because aswd is already greying out on mine.
- Skullheadq3's blog
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New awesome gaming pro gear to own noobz! Fapfapfapfap...
nice one man it looks really good aswell.
Yup this is what i plan to buy this month, but I also found some other what you guys think about those:
íts pretty cheap compared to other so called "gaming keyboards"
but definitly worth any euro
only issue i had with this keyboard was in 1.6 when sometimes gamecrashed by using alt tab shift/ctrl at the same time but cant tell if its game or kb related issue since havent played the netcode update that much as i boughed go
Is it like really worth it? I have a 5€ keyboard and i consider anything +20€ expensive.. that steelseries keyboard does even look like my cheap one. How much will my performance increase with this in %? My guess was sth like 0.3%? Am i wrong with it?
i considered getting one of the steelseries boards about 3 years ago but
chose a filco in the end. dont remember the reasons for that now
though. but considering no height adjustment, black mx switches (are
they still using those?) and the fullsize (includes the 10 keypad) it
doesnt suit me.
mechanicals are far superior over your standard £5 rubber domes in terms of build quality and reliability.
q3 caused my rubber caps on my wasd and some other keys to stop working, they lost their flexibility causing the key to appear constantly pressed or not react (solved by switching the contacts with less used keys on the board ). that was my experience of it anyway.
as for competetive play, i dont really think theres much difference or alot to be gained, but i suppose it depends what your use is. n-key rollover is great, but is never a problem for my needs. i think star craft players benefit more though, i wouldnt worry to much about quake.
typing experience is alot more satisfying on mechanicals (alot more flow, the keys react differently, they spring back/are less mushy) and the noise is nice and clicky. thats just a nerdy thing though, dont expect most ppl care.
is it worth it for you? depends, how much time do you spend using your keyboard? same as buying an office chair for example, if you use it alot dont cheep out.
why the huge price tag? each switch has its own spring mechanism:
this also adds to the weight, if you conider the price for each key, then the total for the whole board isnt that suprising. compared to the rubber method.
as the price is a bit of a turnoff to most considering they could buy any board with fancy lighting or gaming features for half the price its not suprising that they are not everywhere, though they are becoming big again in the last year or 2. its still dam impossible to go test each key type to get an idea before making that decision. im using browns atm as i knew it would be mid way and not so much of a risk Looking at a ducky board next.
for more information on mechanicals (still wondering why anyone would care?) and the various switches, checkout
Great choice, I have SteelSeries 7G for over 5 years, and it still like new! Awesome keyboard!

Normally I review every good stuff I buy.
You probably meant to say:

Normally I review every good stuff my parents buy for me. Like, they buy me everything and anything. Basement life FTW.

However they should have used a different method for the keys, because aswd is already greying out on mine.

I've been playing in my basement for 10 days straight without getting out of my seat. I basically use milkpackages to shit and piss in and my mom orders plenty of pizza's and kebab for me. And that's why my aswd is already greying out on mine.. "I've" also bought this seat that is actually a chair, bed, a dinner table and a toilet all in one. I will probably make a review of this in a week, going to test it out excessively so stay tuned!
If you think about it like that, ofc you can make better investions as for example in a new nvidia gfx and a gsync monitor.
It is rather about the absolut annoyance of your own keyboard - imagine you fail 1 situation a day because your keyboard just cant keep up with the keystrokes.
Now calculate how many important games you really like to win are affected by that - and then you know why you buy such a keyboard. It is like, never again a problem in that specific area. Its like the decision to buy a PC, you never want to have a problem with ur new PC for a year.
And this keyboard solves it just fine.
PS: if you would be like, a starcraft player or something the skillboost should be more then 0.3%
edit: darky, mechanical keyboards aren't = mechanical keyboards, everyone of them have very different feeling depending on the kind of keys. And N-Key rollover.
hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."